REACH in Sixth Grade
Why is my child in this program? What happens in 6 th grade when my child is in Reach? Where can I get help, support, answers, etc?
High Learning Ability Task Commitment Creative Thinking Ability Creative Production
Reach Goal To try to offer a variety of opportunities that will encourage students to develop talents and gifts and help them feel comfortable with who they are and what kind of learners they are
Guidance – “Lunch Bunch”
On Line Math League Schedule: Dec. 19 – practice Dec. 19 – practice Jan. 2 – practice Jan. 2 – practice Jan. 10 – TEST Jan. 10 – TEST Feb. 27 – practice Feb. 27 – practice March 6 – practice March 6 – practice March 14 – TEST March 14 – TEST
Knowledge Master
National History Day National program Theme: “Taking a Stand in History: People, Events, Ideas” Research as a historian Create paper, table top exhibit, performance, or documentary
Will work on this during language arts times on Thursdays Competition: Regionals at NDSU (Feb. 25) Regionals at NDSU (Feb. 25) State at Bismarck (April 3) State at Bismarck (April 3) Nationals – mid-June Nationals – mid-June
Writers’ Workshop
“Reach for a Challenge” on the district website Go to our home page Go to Cheney Middle School Go to curriculum Go to the “Reach for a Challenge” section
Requests from teachers or special team projects
How to get more information Use the West Fargo home page Go to academic programs Click on gifted and talented
How to support gifted education National Association for Gifted Children Parent membership is $25.00/year Parents receive “Parenting for High Potential” Parent group in West Fargo
Contacting Jolene Berger Elementary – Mon.-Wed. noon, Friday afternoon Horace Elem. – Wed. aft. Middle School – Thursday Harwood Elem – Friday a.m.