Household Hazardous Waste In New Hampshire Marc Morgan HHW Program Coordinator
What is HHW? REACTIVE CORROSIVE Unwanted homeowner products that have the same qualities as a hazardous waste described in NH Hazardous Waste Rules
What are We Talking About Here? Just look under the sink Cleaners Lubricants Paint Drain Openers Pesticides Fertilizers
What is the BIG deal? Small Quantities… Big Problems Causes leachate problems in LFs Causes emission problems in incinerators Fires in transfer stations
Homeowner vs. Business Homeowners are exempt from the HW rules; HHW is “Solid Waste” Can throw in the trash... it’s legal (but not OK). Businesses are HW generators; must obey the HW rules. Can NOT throw in the trash
Silly Question: What is a Home? Single and Multiple Family Residences Motel and Hotels Bunkhouses Ranger Stations Crew Quarters and Campgrounds Picnic Grounds Day Use Recreation Areas
Homeowners Can Trash It … What’s the Problem? Safety issue for you … ICRT Contaminates your landfill/groundwater Dangerous concoctions REACTIVE CORROSIVE
Can I collect HHW? YES you can! You will be considered a generator You must follow the HW Rules You probably already do! Recycling of Household Paint Universal Wastes Use Common Sense!
How Can You Address the Problem? Have an HHW collection and/or collect paint and Universal Wastes every day Get educated with training Visit Call Apply for a grant Get technical assistance Educate the public
The Grant Simple One application Once per year Tiered per/capita rate to encourage commitment $0.10-$0.25/capita Must meet all requirements to receive grant (deadline, public education component, survey, submit paperwork, etc.)
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