Affordable Care Act New Protections & Coverage Options for Consumers NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
New Health Insurance Options What these changes mean for NJ MEDICAID EXPANSION Income limits are expanded More people will qualify for NJ FAMILY CARE You can be working and still qualify Individuals who earn up to $15,856 Family of 4 earning up to $32,499 can qualify NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
Not eligible for Medicaid? SHOP the HEALTH INSURANCE MARKETPLACE - Apply for coverage - Apply for subsidies to help reduce the cost of premiums Who qualifies for subsidies? Individuals up to $45,960 Family of four up to $94,200 NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
WHO WILL QUALIFY? NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action Number in Household Income Range to Qualify for Lower Cost 1$11,490 to $45,960 2$15,510 to $62,040 3$19,530 to $78,120 4$23,550 to $94,200 5$27,570 to $110,280 6$31,590 to $126,360 7$35,610 to $142,440 8$39,630 to $158,520
You can purchase on the Marketplace if…. You are an individual, family or small business not eligible for coverage through someone or someplace else (like an employer) You are a citizen or legal immigrant Everyone enrolling in the exchange must verify legal status You are a member of Congress: The ACA requires them to use the Exchange
Catastrophic Coverage Option AN ALTERNATIVE OPTION FOR: Young adults to age 30 Or those with hardship exemption Unable to purchase coverage that is < 8% of income Plans offer: Limited coverage at low cost with high deductibles NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
What will coverage cost? If you qualify for a subsidy…. Your premium contribution will be less than 10% of your annual adjusted gross income NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
Two ways to help reduce cost for those who qualify Premium Tax Credits What is it: A tax credit based on your reported income How does it work? Credit is applied to the cost of the premium up front How much will it be? If you qualify for a tax credit, you premium will be between 2% and 9.5% of your yearly income Cost Sharing Reductions What is it: Another layer of assistance for those who earn less will qualify for reduced co-pays and deductibles Who qualifies? Individuals with income less than 250% of federal poverty level $28,725 for individuals; $58,875 for family of 4 NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
Apply On-Line NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action If you qualify for Medicaid Expansion:
Apply by Phone National toll-free hotline If you qualify for Medicaid Expansion: NJFamilyCare NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
In-Person Enrollment Assistance NJ Navigators Food Bank of Monmouth/Ocean Counties Center for Family Services (NJ Southern Counties) ACCESS ( ) Oranges Navigator Project: (Essex) Urban League of Hudson/Bergen County Public Health Solutions (Hudson & Essex) NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
Certified Application Counselors Available at: Federally Qualified Health Centers Libraries Community Health Centers Hospitals Community service organizations Some local retailers & drug stores Find the closest Assistor at: NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
Resources NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action NJFAMILYCARE.ORG National Hotline
REMEMBER….. INITIAL OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR ALL PLANS October 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 After March 31 Enrollment will be open Only to those who qualify for NJ FAMILY CARE or who have a change in circumstance Next Annual Open Enrollment October 15 – December 7 NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action
Contact Us NJ For Health Care/NJ Citizen Action Consumer Health Helpline: NJ GET WELL ( ) Maura Collinsgru NJCA Health Policy Advocate