WELCOME to AMP Sign in sheets will be going around Read the info we have for you carefully Make any necessary changes/additions
Alumni Mentoring Program [AMP] Mission: Provide opportunities for HS EXPAND “Alumni” to interact with current EXPAND students in enrichment and social situations; to extend the EXPAND experience and to share your expertise and enthusiasm with our younger students.
Advisor Information EXPAND Coordinator: Ms. Debra Garling ext High School Administration: Mr. Heath Yarmus ext EXPAND Teachers: Mrs. Cathy Ruffino Mrs. Renee Pearce PAGE Contact: Ms. Nancy Kriz
Community Service Hours See HS handbook for details
OPTION 1: ELEM Visitation Mentoring opportunity involving students in grades 3-5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Ms. Debra Garling/Mrs. Cathy Ruffino Time Frame:Select M-TH afternoons Location:NM/PT/CV Expectation:Facilitate a 30 minute enrichment lesson CSH minimum:3 hours Your responsibilities will include creating an academic experience for current EXPAND students. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your lesson as well as a step-by-step plan for your session with the students. You will teach the lessons and facilitate the activities.
OPTION 2: MS6 Visitation Mentoring opportunity involving grade 6 students ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Mrs. Renee Pearce Time Frame:Select school day(s) during MS periods 6/7 Location:MS room 138A Expectation:Facilitate a 30 minute enrich lesson CSH minimum:2 hours Your responsibilities will include creating an academic experience for current EXPAND students. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your lesson as well as a step-by-step plan for your session with the students. You will teach the lessons and facilitate the activities.
OPTION 3: MS7/8 Visitation Mentoring opportunity involving grade 7/8 students ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Mrs. Renee Pearce Time Frame:Select school day(s) Location:TBD Expectation:Participate in a debate review CSH minimum:2 hours Your responsibilities will include creating an academic experience for current EXPAND students. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your lesson as well as a step-by-step plan for your session with the students. You will teach the lessons and facilitate the activities.
OPTION 4: KMO (Knowledge Masters Open) is a mentoring opportunity involving Middle School EXPAND students in grades 6-8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Ms. Debra Garling Time Frame:Select Tuesday’s from 3-4pm [6 sessions] Location:MS room 138A Expectation:Facilitate a 6 wk enrich course for 6-8 th graders. CSH minimum:14 hours Your responsibilities will include creating an academic experience for current MS EXPAND students. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your lesson as well as a step-by- step plan for your session with the students. You will teach the lessons and facilitate the activities.
OPTION 5: MOODLE Mentoring opportunity involving all EXPAND students ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Ms. Debra Garling Time Frame:Late October-June Location:on-line Expectation:Create /Maintain Enrichment Moodle CSH minimum:30 hours – depending on how many sts. are interested- hours may have to be shared. Your responsibilities will include creating an academic experience for current EXPAND students. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your lesson as well as a step-by-step plan for your session with the students. You will teach the lessons and facilitate the activities.
OPTION 6: P.A.G.E. Events Social mentoring opportunity involving students in gr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Ms. Debra Garling PAGE Advisor:Ms. Nancy Kriz Time Frame:TBD Location:TBD Expectation:Facilitate a one-time academic enrichment activity for EXPAND students of varying ages at a PAGE designated location. CSH minimum:3 hours Your responsibilities will include creating an academic experience for current EXPAND students. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your lesson as well as a step-by-step plan for your session with the students. You will teach the lessons and facilitate the activities.
OPTION 7: Odyssey This is an opportunity involving all OMers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Ms. Debra Garling Time Frame:November-April Location:NM/PT/CV/MS Expectation:Enhance OM experience for current OMers CSH minimum:10 hours Your responsibilities will include creating an academic experience for current EXPAND students. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your lesson as well as a step-by-step plan for your session with the students. You will teach the lessons and facilitate the activities.
OPTION 8: EXPAND PR This is an opportunity to showcase our program to the community ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXPAND Advisor:Ms. Debra Garling Time Frame:October-June Location:Varies Expectation:Raise awareness of the programs value and … CSH minimum:25 hours Examples: Tri-State Commerce Event at MWHS Cheese Festival EXPAND Night Celebration Open House Your responsibilities will include planning for all events, creating displays, etc. and being present for the full event. You must create a proposal, which includes the rationale for your participation as well as a step-by-step plan.
OPTION 9: OTHER You Propose, support and defend an enrichment option of your design and creation.
EXPECTATIONS Creativity:Generate interesting and detailed ideas/visuals Time Mgmt:Set, prioritize and meet goals Info. Gathering:Determined what is known/what is needed Find needed information Taking Risks:Tackle challenging tasks, even when success is uncertain Skillfully revise plans to increase success Persistence: Be focused, self-motivated, and positive Communication:Propose/create/ facilitate clearly and understandably Results:Produce thoughtful, well developed, high- quality lessons
Contract for Participation See handout
EVALUATION FORM Student Name:______________________________ Date:_______________ 1. Student Completed Proposal:YesNo 2. Students initiated correspondence with advisor(s):YesNo 3. Student attended planned session: YesNo 4. Student developed a satisfactory/successful lesson:YesNo 5. Student completed a reflection:YesNo Community Service Hours Awards: ___________ Student Signature:_________________________________ Evaluator Signature:_______________________________
Next Step 1. Review options on EXPAND website. 2. Contact appropriate advisors to let them know what option you are interested in pursuing. 3. Complete the option proposal. 4. Submit proposal for approval. Revise if necessary. 5. After all parties agree to and sign proposal, you will begin preparation for your mentoring experience. 6. Upon completion of the enrichment, you complete and submit a post enrichment reflection to receive hours. You will contact your advisor prior to all enrichments to discuss the logistics and expectations for this option.