Patterns All Around Me Alex.L
Natural Pattern This pattern is found in nature. A natural pattern is rarely exact. A rainbow always has the same colors.
Repeating Pattern In this pattern the same shape appears over again. The shapes may be exactly the same or there may be small differences between them. See this tiger it’s stripes keep going black orange it keeps repeating.
Striped Pattern Any pattern made with similar stripes makes a stripes pattern. Wavy stripes make a stripe pattern on a zebra. Straight stripes make a striped pattern on a U.S. flag. This is a striped pattern it is a picture of the America flag the stripes are a strip pattern.
Safe pattern Many patterns have a purpose. The purpose of a safe pattern is to protect or camouflage. These patterns vary greatly. A example of a safe pattern is a fire truck siren it means to move aside to let it go ahead so it can get to its destination.