This is Java Jeopardy Writing Methods…chapter 4…
ObjectsMethods Everything Classes Using Classes More Methods Misc To Final Jeopardy
What are methods? This defines an object’s behaviors. BackBack to Board Objects 1
What are attributes? This is the term used to describe the properties of an object’s state of being. BackBack to Board Objects 2
What is aggregation? When an object has other objects as instance data it is said to have this type of relationship. When an object has other objects as instance data it is said to have this type of relationship. BackBack to Board Objects 3
What is association? When an object is aware of and uses another object they are said to have this type of relationship. BackBack to Board Object 4
What is method overloading? This is when we have multiple methods with the same name differentiated by their signatures only. BackBack to Board Method 1
What is a void method? This type of method does not have a return statement. BackBack to Board Method 2
What is method decomposition? This is the process of breaking down a complex method into easier to handle, smaller methods. BackBack to Board Method 3
What is parameter list? When methods are created this follows the method name explaining the type of values that can be passed to the method and their names. BackBack to Board Method 4
What is scope? This refers to the range in which a variable can be referenced. BackBack to Board Everything Classes 1
What is private visibility? This type of visibility protects instance data by requiring programmers to interact with an object’s method to change the object’s state. BackBack to Board Everything Classes 2
What are data declarations and method declarations? These are the members of a class. BackBack to Board Everything Classes 3
What is public visibility? In order for a programmer to interact with protected objects created in our classes, methods we have created should be declared with this type of visibility. BackBack to Board Everything Classes 4
What is new? This reserved word is used to create a new instance of a given class. BackBack to Board Using Classes 1
What is a constructor? This is often used to initialize the variables associated with each object. BackBack to Board Using Classes 2
What are actual parameters? When using methods from a class you have created you pass these parameters into the method declaration within the class you created? BackBack to Board Using Classes 3
What is an instance? When evaluating the relationship between objects and classes, objects are often referred to as this of a class. BackBack to Board Using Classes 4
What are formal parameters? These parameters are located in the header of the method declaration. BackBack to Board More Methods 1
What is method signature? This is the methods name along with the number, type, and order of its parameters. BackBack to Board More Methods 2
What is local data? This type of data can only be used within the method in which it is declared. BackBack to Board More Method 3
What is the method declaration? This defines the code that is executed when the method is invoked. BackBack to Board More Methods 4
What is instance data? Attributes, such as the variable face in the coin class, are considered this type of data because memory space is created for each instance of the class that is created. BackBack to Board Misc 1
What is encapsulation? This term refers to objects working with other parts of a program only through the objects own methods. BackBack to Board Misc 2
What are visibility modifiers? Public and Private are two examples of this. BackBack to Board Misc 3
What are support methods? Methods that only exist to aid other methods of the class are said to be this type of method. BackBack to Board Misc 4
Final Jeopardy Category Visibility Modifiers make your wagers
Let’s see your answers. Fill in the chart below explaining the impact on ecapsulation. Begin Now. Variable Methods publicprivate
Scrolling methods Public Variables Does not protect data Private Variables Protects Data Public Methods Provides services to clients Private Methods Supports other methods in the class