MA-LTC Multi-Topic Webinar Session Health Care Training Team Health Care Eligibility and Access Note: This session is being recorded. 1
Submitting Questions: Click on the “Private” tab. Double click on “Leaders and Assistants.” Type your question in the box at the bottom. Click on the arrow to send the question. 2
MA-LTC Multi-Topic Webinar Session Sections Determining the MA-LTC Eligibility Begin Date and Coding MAXIS and MMIS. –Medical hospitals as a long-term care facility. –MA-LTC length of stay requirements. Asset Verification for MA-LTC. Ending a Transfer Penalty. –Full return of the transferred assets. –Waiver of the transfer penalty. 3
Determining the MA-LTC Eligibility Begin Date and Coding MAXIS and MMIS References: Health Care Programs Manual (HCPM) – Eligibility Determination and System Coding for MA Payment of LTC Services. Bulletin # , Pre-admission Screening: Required Activity for Nursing Facility Admission and Medical Assistance Payment. 4
Section Objectives: Determining the MA-LTC begin date. –Medical hospitals as a long-term care facility. –MA-LTC length of stay requirements. Code MAXIS STAT/FACI for clients in an LTCF and STAT/DISA for clients on a home and community-based waiver. Code MMIS RLVA under the LTC Ineligible Information section with the proper end date for the U span. 5
MA Payment of LTC Services Applicants and Enrollees are not eligible for payment until: The agency receives a request for MA- LTC. The worker determines the individual meets the eligibility requirements for basic MA and MA-LTC. 6
Begin Date for MA Payment of LTC Services Determining the begin date varies based on whether the client resides in an long-term care facility (LTCF), or is in the community requesting home and community based waiver services. 7
LTCF The begin date is verified by the DHS- 1503, Physician Certification form. 8
Medical Hospitals as an LTCF If the client is in the hospital prior to being admitted into an LTCF and received skilled nursing facility services verify the begin date with a DHS
Length of Stay in an LTCF No effect on MA-LTC eligibility. Need to request MA-LTC for even a one day stay to be covered by MA-LTC. Need to meet all eligibility requirements for basic MA and MA-LTC. 10
Home and Community-Based Waiver The anticipated begin date is determined by the case manager. This is documented on the Lead Agency Case Manager/Worker Communication Form (DHS-5181). 11
Home and Community-Based Waiver Continued Typically the anticipated begin date is: Upon approval of MA-LTC eligibility. As of the LTCC date. The month after MA-LTC eligibility is approved. 13
Worker Action MAXIS LTCF client: update STAT FACI in the footer month that the skilled nursing facility services began. Home and community-based waiver client: update STAT DISA in the footer month the services are actually going to begin. 14
Worker Action MMIS When eligibility is opened on RELG with major program MA, EH, NM or RM, a corresponding “U” code is recorded in the LTC Ineligible Information section of RLVA. Enter an end date for the U code. The U code must have an end date one day prior to the begin date for MA payment of LTC services. 15
The “U” Code Most U spans will have a begin date and an end date. It will be rare for a U span to actually be deleted. (Unless that individual is eligible for MA payment of LTC services on the first day of the first month that MA is opened on RELG.) 16
LTCF Example: Amanda Enters hospital November 02, LTCC completed November 20, 2010, indicating an institutional level of care. Request for MA payment of LTC services November 21, 2010, no retro need. Enters LTCF November 28, 2010, from hospital. 17
LTCF Example Continued: Amanda DHS began receiving skilled nursing facility services in the hospital on November 25, DHS-1503 from facility - not expected to return home. Eligibility for basic MA and MA-LTC is approved by the worker on December 8,
Amanda MAXIS FACI Panel 1: 19
Amanda MAXIS FACI Panel 2: 20
Amanda MAXIS FACI Panel 3: 21
Amanda MAXIS Approval: MA-LTC eligibility begin date in MAXIS November 1, Enter a worker comment to indicate payment of LTC services begins on November 25, – Note: If a notice cannot be issued, add the information to the manual notice (DHS-4915). Complete sections on DHS-1503 and send with approval communication (DHS-3050) to LTCF. 22
Amanda MMIS RELG: 23
Amanda MMIS RLVA: 24
Amanda Completed: Are there any questions? 25
EW Example: Jenny and Joe Processed the Month After Application Jenny and Joe are married and live together in the home that they own. Jenny is requesting MA payment of LTC services through the Elderly Waiver program. 26
EW Example Continued: Jenny and Joe LTCC completed November 12, DHS-5181 states services are anticipated to begin upon MA-LTC approval. Request for MA payment of LTC services November 13, 2010, no retro. Eligibility for basic MA and MA-LTC approved by the worker on December 9,
EW Example Continued: Jenny and Joe Verification Note: Clients will have verified requirements for MA payment of LTC services back to the month in which a client is applying. Assume all LTC requirements continue to be met during the processing period unless the client has reported a change. 28
Jenny and Joe MAXIS DISA: 29
Jenny and Joe MAXIS Approval: Determine basic MA eligibility in MAXIS November 1, (She would be a HH of 2 and spouse’s income and assets would deem for that month). Determine MA-LTC eligibility with a begin date in MAXIS of December 1,
Jenny and Joe MAXIS Approval Continued: Enter a worker comment to the notice to indicate payment of LTC services begins on December 9, Complete Part 2 of the DHS
Jenny and Joe MMIS RELG: 32
Jenny and Joe MMIS RLVA: 33
Jenny and Joe Follow Up: Note: If applying for a disability waiver STAT/DISA may need to be updated in more than one month. –Month of application with SSA or SMRT information. –Month of approval with waiver code information. Are there any questions? 34
CADI Example: Charlie and Lori Eligibility the Month After Processed Charlie and Lori are married and live together in the home that they own. Charlie is requesting MA payment of LTC services through the CADI Waiver program. 35
CADI Example Continued: Charlie and Lori LTCC completed November 12, DHS-5181 states services will begin the first of the month after MA-LTC approval. Request for MA-LTC November 13, no retro. Eligibility for basic MA and MA-LTC approved by worker on January 8, 2011 (before the end of 60-day LTCC period). 36
CADI Example Continued: Charlie and Lori Verification Note: Clients will have verified requirements for MA payment of LTC services back for the month in which a client is applying. Assume all LTC requirements continue to be met during the processing period unless the client has reported a change. 37
Charlie and Lori MAXIS DISA 11/10: 38
Charlie and Lori MAXIS DISA 02/11: 39
Charlie and Lori MAXIS Approval: Determine basic MA eligibility in MAXIS for the months of November, December, and January. (He would be a HH of 2 and spouse’s income and assets would deem for those months). Determine MA-LTC eligibility with a begin date in MAXIS of February 1,
Charlie and Lori MAXIS Approval Continued: Enter a worker comment to indicate payment of LTC services begins on February 1, Complete Part 2 of the DHS
Charlie and Lori MMIS RELG: 42
Charlie and Lori MMIS RLVA: 43
Determining the MA-LTC Begin Date and Coding MAXIS and MMIS Are there any questions about this section? 44
Asset Verification for MA-LTC References: HCPM Verification of Assets. HCPM Verification of Burial Assets and Life Insurance. HCPM MA Excess Assets. 45
Verification of Assets at Application Verify assets for the first day of the first month for which coverage is requested. Do not request asset verification for each subsequent month unless: –The client reported a change. –If it is known that assets changed. –If needed to verify an asset reduction. Verify home equity value even if the LTC applicant is exempt from asset limits. 46
Verification of Excluded Assets Special Needs, Supplemental Needs and Pooled Trusts. Annuities. Face value and cash surrender value of non- term life insurance. Revocable Burial Agreements. Irrevocable Burial Agreements. Annuity-funded burials. Life insurance-funded burials. Cremation Society Agreements (CSAs). 47
Asset Reduction at Application No Retro Request Applicants must verify that they have reduced excess countable assets: – By providing bank statements or other documents that show current asset amounts. – They are not required to provide receipts. Determine if the client has reduced assets appropriately or if an uncompensated transfer has occurred. 48
Asset Reduction at Application Retro Request If reducing assets by burial fund designation: –Verify the purchase of a burial service or the designation of funds by a signed and dated statement. If reducing assets by payment of medical bills from the retroactive period: –Verification may include bank statements, receipts, or confirmation from the medical provider. 49
Verification of Assets at Renewal Verify assets as of the first day of the month in which the recipient mails or delivers the renewal form to the county agency. Do not re-verify at renewal if no change is reported. –For example: do not request a new copy of burial accounts that have not changed. 50
MA-LTC Recipient Asset Verification Review asset eligibility in the month following the month an MA-LTC recipient receives: –A lump sum or periodic payment. –Refund from an LTCF. –A full or partial repayment of an uncompensated transfer. If not a renewal, act on the change but verify the change at renewal except for reported changes of excluded assets. 51
Asset Verification for MA-LTC Are there any question about this section? 52
Ending a Transfer Penalty Effective December 1, 2011: End a transfer penalty if there is a full return of the transferred assets. The agency approves a waiver of the transfer penalty due to an undue hardship. 53
Ending a Transfer Penalty When Full Return of Transferred Assets References: Bulletin # , Changes to Medical Assistance (MA) Transfer Penalty Policy incorporated 1/3/2012 to HCPM – Ending a Transfer Penalty. HCPM – Imposing a Transfer Penalty. 54
Determining the Transfer Penalty Handout: Identify the MA SAPSNF. Total the uncompensated value. Determine the length of the transfer penalty. How to end a transfer penalty. 55
Full Return of Transferred Assets The value of the asset upon return must be equal to or greater than the value at the time of transfer. For non-cash transfers, option to substitute a cash payment in exchange for the return of the transferred asset. If the value has decreased or the person who received the transfer no longer has the asset it can only end with a cash payment to the client. 56
Full Return of Transferred Assets Continued Note: –A non-cash asset cannot be substituted in exchange for the transferred asset. –A direct payment of the client’s obligations is not considered a return of transferred assets because the assets are never actually available to the client. 57
Full Return of Transferred Assets Example: Hank resides in an LTCF and requests MA-LTC. Two years ago he transferred his house valued at $130,000 at that time to his son. Hank was determined otherwise eligible for MA-LTC and was approved basic MA. MA-LTC was denied due to the uncompensated transfer amount of $130,000 and a penalty period was imposed. 58
Full Return of Transferred Assets Example Continued: The house is still in his son’s name and is now valued at $150,000. To end the transfer penalty period: –Transfer the house back to Hank. –Pay Hank $130,000 which was the uncompensated amount used to determine the transfer penalty period. Hank’s son makes a cash payment this month to Hank in the amount of $130,
Worker Action When Full Return of Transferred Assets End the transfer penalty beginning the first of the month following the month of the full return. 60
Continued Worker Action When Full Return of Transferred Assets Determine if an enrollee has excess assets following MA policy, and close MA with timely notice. (Continued eligibility is possible if an enrollee reduces excess countable assets before the effective date of closing.) Determine MA overpayments for any months after the transfer occurred that the client was enrolled in MA. 61
Continued Worker Action When Full Return of Transferred Assets Eligibility does not automatically begin when a transfer penalty ends. Client will need to meet all eligibility requirements for MA payment of LTC services. –MA enrollee will need to submit a Request for Payment of Long-Term Care Services (DHS- 3543). –A non-MA enrollee will need to reapply. 62
Worker Action When Full Return of Transferred Assets Example: Close MA for Hank with timely notice. Determine MA overpayments for the months he was enrolled in MA. Reapply for MA-LTC. Are there any questions? 63
Transfer Penalty Waiver Information References: HCPM – Waiver of Transfer Penalty. 64
Notification of Transfer Penalty Waiver Notify the client of the transfer penalty waiver when denying or closing MA-LTC due to a transfer penalty. A cause of action may be brought against the person who received the transfer if a waiver is approved. 65
Client Responsibility A request to waive the transfer penalty received from a client or client’s authorized representative can be verbal or written. An LTCF may also request a waiver of the transfer penalty if they have: –A signed statement from the client or the client’s representative acknowledging approval of the request. –A General Authorization for Release of Information (DHS-2243A). 66
Worker Responsibility Request the information needed. The county needs to make a determination within 30 days once all the information is received. 67
Approving Transfer Penalty Waiver The agency must grant a waiver when the client provides convincing evidence of all the following: –There is an imminent threat to the client’s health and well-being and that the waiver will resolve the imminent threat. –There are no other alternatives to pay for the cost of LTC services. 68
Approving Transfer Penalty Waiver Continued Agency action: –Send a notice to the client informing the client that the transfer penalty waiver is approved including the effective date. –Refer the case to the county attorney to file a cause of action against the person who received the transferred asset or income. –Enter a MAXIS case note. 69
Denying Transfer Penalty Waiver Agency action: –Send the client the Notice of Action for MA Payment of LTC Services (DHS-4915). The notice must include the client’s right to appeal the decision. –Enter a MAXIS case note. 70
Ending a Transfer Penalty and Transfer Penalty Waiver Information Any questions on this section? 71
MA-LTC Multi-Topic Webinar Session THE END! 72