1 Forestry Centre of Kainuu Jorma Tolonen director
2 Private Forestry in Finland Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Forestry Development Centre Tapio Forestry Centres The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners Regional Forest Owners’ Unions Forest Management Associations About private forest owners Implementation of forest laws Result steering Service Forest Companies Forest Service Entrepreneurs
3 The Finnish Regional Forestry Network 13 regional Forestry Centres 1 Rannikko 2 Lounais-Suomi 3 Häme-Uusimaa 4 Kaakkois-Suomi 5 Pirkanmaa 6 Etelä-Savo 7 Etelä-Pohjanmaa 8 Keski-Suomi 9 Pohjois-Savo 10 Pohjois-Karjala 11 Kainuu 12 Pohjois-Pohjanmaa 13 Lappi
4 Tasks and Services of forestry centres forest management planning advisery services, information and training regional development (regional forest programme and projects) supervision of the implementation of the Forest Act forestry grants for private forest owners professional know-how forest improvement services
5 Forests and forestry of Kainuu
6 Forest ownership in Kainuu private forest owners ( > 7 hectares) Forestry land hectares Forest land hectares –Private owned hectares41,4 % –Municipalities, church hectares 2,8 % –Companies hectares13,9 % –State owned hectres41,9 %
7 Forest sector Paper factory of UPM in Kajaani was stopped 2008 About 80 small companys or entrepreneurs in wood industry Two sawmills: Kuhmo company and Kajaani sawmill of UPM –Raw material pine and spruce logs –Wood consumption 1,0 milj. m 3 /v Output of the forestry sector 350 million euro/a and value-added 200 million euro/a.
8 Labour force in the forest sector Forestry1000 Sawmilling and wood-products industries 800 Total 1800 (6 % of the labour force in Kainuu)
9 Volume of the growing stock
10 Annual increment of the growing stock
11 Development of annual increment and total drain