June Study Source B and use your own knowledge. Why was this photograph published in US newspapers? Use details of the photograph and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (8) Source B: A photograph published in US national newspapers showing a demonstration which took place shortly before the execution of the Rosenbergs in June Jan Study Source B and use your own knowledge. What was the purpose of this illustration? Use details of the illustration and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (8) Source B: From a leaflet issued by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). It was distributed in 1965 during the Voter Registration Campaign in Selma, Alabama. Question 2 and 3 revision
June Study Source B and use your own knowledge. What was the purpose of this petition? Use details of the petition and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (8) Source B: A petition drawn up by students at the University of California, Berkeley, in January 1965 and signed by over 700 staff and students. It was handed to the University governing committee. True freedom of speech requires that students and student organisations be free to promote the causes they support by any peaceful action on or off the campus. Free speech can only exist in an atmosphere of trust on both sides. This atmosphere cannot survive when student leaders are suspended as a result of their actions. The Free Speech Movement consists of responsible students whose aim is to secure for us all the right to freedom of speech on the Berkeley campus. Jan Study Source B and use your own knowledge. What was the purpose of this statement? Use details of the statement and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (8) Source B: From the Southern Manifesto, a statement signed in March 1956 by over 100 members of Congress from the southern states. This unjustified exercise of power by the Supreme Court in the Brown v Topeka case goes against the Constitution and is creating chaos and confusion in those states mainly affected by it. It is destroying the peaceful relations between the white and Negro races that have been created through 90 years of patient effort by the good people of both races. It has planted hatred and suspicion where before there was friendship and understanding.
June Study source b and your own knowledge. What was the purpose of this statement? Use details of the statement and your own knowledge to explain your answer. Jan Study Source B and use your own knowledge. What was the purpose of this speech? Use details of the speech and your own knowledge to explain your answer. (8) Source B: From a speech by Martin Luther King, March 1968, at a civil rights rally. I sense a widening split in our movement due to Black Power. I must oppose any attempt to gain our freedom by the methods of fear, hate and violence. This is the wrong way. What was good about Gandhi’s freedom movement in India was that it was based on love, hope and non-violence. These same ideals brought us success in our country, from the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1956 to the Selma movement of 1965.
June Study Sources A, B and C. Do these sources support the view that the Rosenberg's were innocent? Explain your answer, using the sources. (10) Jan Study Sources A, B and C. How far do these sources agree about the Voter Registration Campaign? Explain your answer, using the sources. (10) June Study Sources A, B and C. How far do these sources agree about the Berkeley Free Speech Movement? Explain your answer, using the sources. (10) Jan Study Sources A, B and C. How far do Sources B and C support the evidence of Source A about the Brown v Topeka case? Explain your answer, using the sources. (10) June Study sources B and C support the evidence of A about McCarthyism? Explain your answer, using the sources (10) Jan Study Sources A, B and C. How far do Sources B and C support the evidence of Source A about Black Power? Explain your answer, using the sources. (10)
June Study Sources A, B and C. Do these sources support the view that the Rosenberg's were innocent? Explain your answer, using the sources. (10)