Questions and Answers about ‘Soft Market Testing’
What is ‘soft market testing’? Soft market testing is a way to find out what provider organisations think about new ideas and service choices. Soft market testing does not mean that the Council or organisations must follow the idea they talk about.
What is happening? Tri-borough is planning to have two soft market testing events. They will happen in June in Kensington Town Hall. Council officers will meet with different organisations to talk about council services for people with: - Learning Disabilities - Physical Disabilities - Dementia - Mental health - Older People
Why is Tri-borough doing soft market testing? The Government and Tri-borough are thinking of moving some services out of the Council. Council commissioners and managers will be talking with organisations that may want to provide council services. This will help with making sure that service changes are planned carefully.
Why is the Council thinking of changing the way services are provided? The Government has decided a new direction for councils and the NHS: - to move services out of these organisations. The Council needs to spend less money, but also make sure it provides very good services.
Why is the Council thinking of changing the way services are provided? There are benefits to these changes: More flexibility and control for you, your carers and parents. More freedom for staff to change services and try out new ideas. More security for services you receive.
What will it mean for you if the Council no longer provides services directly? You will not be going through a big service change immediately. The plan is to find out about new provider organisations that can improve your experience and outcomes. The council will continue to provide services directly to you if this is more beneficial than asking another provider.
What will it mean for staff if the Council no longer provides services directly to you? Staff will have more freedom to make changes and develop services with the new provider. Staff moves to new providers will be done in line with Employment Rules. Teams will have more freedom and control to take responsibility of their service.
What will happen after the soft market testing events? Commissioners will look at the information collected and share it with service managers and providers. This will help the Council to decide the best thing to do for each service. We have already collected some of your views and will use them for any proposed service changes. We will ask for your views in the future about new ideas presented at the events in June.
When would changes take place? This will depend on the results of the events in June. Some services could go through changes from April 2015. Where can I find out more? If you have any questions or ideas, please send them to: