Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg1 Stora Enso in brief Stora Enso is a forest products company producing newsprint and book paper, magazine paper, fine paper, consumer board, industrial packaging and wood products 12.7 million tonnes of paper and board 6.9 million m 3 of sawn and processed wood products Sales 2009 EUR 8.9 billion Approximately employees in more than 35 countries Market capitalisation EUR 3.7 billion Shares listed on Helsinki and Stockholm stock exchanges
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg2 Breakdown by location Number of employees by country 2009*Paper and board capacity by country 2010 *Continuing operations
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg3 Production plants Pulp in bales
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg4 Breakdown by segment 2009, continued operations Operating profit, EUR 321 million* (Share of Group’s operating profit) Sales, EUR million *excluding non-recurring items and fair valuations
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg5 Ownership by distribution 31 Dec 2009 % of shares% of voting power (Non-Finnish/ Non-Swedish shareholders) *) Entirely owned by the Finnish State
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg6 Paper Industry Concentration Source: Pöyry The paper industry is still relatively fragmented, with top five firms controlling about 20-40% of the regional capacity C(5) = combined share of top five firms C(5) %
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg7 Long-term Demand Growth by Region through 2025 Paper and Paperboard Source: Pöyry Share of consumption in 2006, % Demand growth, %/a Japan North America Western Europe India Latin America Rest of Asia Oseania China Middle East Russia Average 1,9 %/a Eastern Europe Africa
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg8 Varkaus Mills
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg9 Mill Site Map
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg10 History of the forest industry in Varkaus New ECOGAS power plant builts New log handling plant Modernisation of sawing Modernisation of bleaching plant Planing mill New TMP-line Shutdown of groundwood plant Rebuild of the waste water treatmentplant and sludge handling Modernisation of hydropower plant Modernisation of pulp drying section Shutdown of PM 1 Modernisation of PM 3 quality Modernisation of PM 4 finishing Rebuild of wood handling Rebuild of PM 3 Demonstration plant for biofuel production Shutdown of Carton Machine Mill Service company Efora founded Gustaf Wrede starts sawmill operations Merger of Stora and Enso Start-up of power plant Paper machine 2Sulphate pulp production started Recycled fibre plant started Board machine Deal between Ahlström and Enso Ahlström buys mill operations Paper machine 1Paper machine 3Paper machine 4Varenso founded
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg11 Stora Enso Fine Paper Varkaus Mill Integrated sulphate pulp mill ECF t/a One paper machine Envelope, Business Forms and Offset Papers Production t/a Main raw materials bleached pine and birch pulp 98 % exported Main markets EU
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg12 Energy Environment and Security Transport Property Services Communications Office functions Purchasing HR IT Shared Services Varkaus Mills
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg13 Organization, Varkaus Mills t/a Envelope Papers Business Forms Offset Papers t/a Standard newsprint Coloured newsprint Directory and catalogue papers Magazine papers t/a Recycled Pulp Energy Aluminium m 3 /a Sawn timber (whitewood) Planed sawn timber (whitewood) General Manager Reino Panula Corenso Recycling Esa Mäkelä Stora Enso Timber Timo Elola Stora Enso Publication Paper Reino Panula Stora Enso Fine Paper Jarkko Tehomaa Shared Services Harri Avila Management Group Reino Panula (General Manager), Harri Avila, Timo Elola, Aimo Kettunen ja Jarkko Tehomaa Personnel Representatives Paula Glumerus, Ari Häkkinen, Hannu Kanniainen, Eine Luostarinen, Isto Markkanen, Ulla-Maija Olander, Kai Pärnänen, Timo Suhonen and Jukka Voutilainen Tarja Kiviluoto, Communications and Maija-Helena Soininen, Secretary Palveluyhtiö Energy Environment and Security Transport Property Services Communications Office function Purchasing, HR, IT
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg14 Total integration of wood processing at Varkaus Mills Raw materials, 2 million m 3 /a, mainly purchased from Savo region Publication Paper Mill Fine Paper Mill Pulp Mill t/a TMP t/a Timber Spruce logs Stora Enso Wood Supply Finland Savo Region Spruce pulpwood Spruce chips Pine pulpwood Birch pulpwood Recycled fibre plant Sawn timber Planed sawn timber m 3 /a Recycled Pulp t/a Publication papers t/a Fine papers t/a Power Plants Plast Sawdust Spruce 60 % Birch 25 % Pine 15 % Wood park Round wood 95 % Chips 5 % Spruce chips
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg15 Wood and product transportation Transportation of raw materials and products Wood raw material Paper Sawn timber Train 17 % 60 % 25 % Road 80 % 40 % 62 % Ship 3 % - 13 %
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg16 Environmental performance Policy on the environment and social responsibility and goals for environment Full use of wood raw material Utilization of waste and secondary products in energy production and soil structures 80 % of used wood from certificated sources Competent, responsible personnel, committed to objectives Environmental issues incorporated into Quality System ISO Sulphur dioxide emissions to air (SO 2 +TRS) Phosphorus (P)
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg17 Energy procurement and production Thermal energy production 2009 Stora Enso’s Varkaus Mills produce about 2100 GWh of thermal energy annually. This corresponds to about t of heavy fuel oil. About 90 % of thermal energy is generated from wood-based and recycled fuels. Oil and coal are used mainly as auxiliary fuels during exceptionally cold spells. 1,2 mill. m 3 of wood bark is burned at the Mills annually.
Presentation, Varkaus Mills / Arja Malmberg18 Fine paper making