Starter You will each receive a piece a paper with a question and the appropriate answer. Go up to anyone in the class and ask them the question. Tell them the answer if they don’t know. They will also ask you a question and give you the answer if you don’t know. Swap papers with that person, move on to someone else and repeat the activity. Eventually you should know the answer to all 12 facts which are being passed around the room. They all relate to what we’ll be studying this year.
How can we find out about the past? List sources of information about the past To find out what everyday objects can tell us about the past To imagine what archaeologists might think about the contents of my bedroom! Aims
Your task When historians study the past they use two types of evidence: primary & secondary. Primary is evidence that is directly from the time, e.g. an eyewitness account or a dress worn by Elizabeth I. Secondary evidence is produced later and relies on earlier evidence, e.g. a history book or a modern film. Make a list of as many sources of evidence as you can that you can use when studying the past.
Internet Internet Libraries Libraries TV & radio programs TV & radio programs Relatives Relatives Newspapers Newspapers Films Films Songs Songs Churches Churches Everyday objects in museums Clothing and costumes Battle sites Historical monuments – castles, country houses etc Graveyards
What can a room tell us about the past?
Your task In the back of your planner or on a piece of rough paper list as many objects as you can remember in your bedroom. In the back of your planner or on a piece of rough paper list as many objects as you can remember in your bedroom. What can these objects tell future historians about life today? What can these objects tell future historians about life today? Which of these objects is the most useful in finding out about the past? Which of these objects is the most useful in finding out about the past?
Homework You will be studying the following topics in Year 7. Create a contents page in your exercise book. Cover your book with images relating to these topics. Anglo-Saxon England Anglo-Saxon England the Norman Conquest the Norman Conquest Thomas Becket Thomas Becket Black Death Black Death Peasants’ Revolt Peasants’ Revolt Tudors Tudors Stuarts Stuarts Civil War Civil War Restoration Restoration