Exploring an outcome-led approach to work with young people North West Region Wendy Flint 13 June 2013
Routes to Success Country- wide programme, funded by the LGA, aimed at assisting local authorities to improve their services for young people Enables more local authorities to benefit from the resources provided by the NYA and LGA- through a knowledge hub, conferences and events and the provision of free consultancy support Supports a more dynamic and effective sharing of learning and good practice – through evaluation and the publication of case studies Knowledge Hub
Objectives During the workshop we will have an opportunity to: Have an overview of the work on outcomes that has taken place nationally Explore needs assessment and analysis as the first step on this journey Understand and apply the capability clusters developed in A Framework of Outcomes for Young People (Young Foundation. 2012)
Suggested groundrules Treat each other with respect Each participant has a valid contribution to make which will be valued and listened to Discuss with openness and honesty Display empathy Respect confidentiality Keep to time Agree action Participate, share ideas and enjoy Phones off or on silent please
Outcomes for young people Personal & social development Emotional intelligence Recording & accreditation APIR/BVPI’s/CAF Outcomes Young Foundation & NYA Outcome data & measurement
What's the need? What are the results that you want to achieve? (Outputs & outcomes) Which clusters are most closely related to these outcomes? What's the best way to design and deliver services to achieve key results? What is the best approach to measurement? What tools are available and suitable for assessing the outcomes? Outcome Process Young foundation/NYA 2012
Levels of Needs Assessment City-wide Needs Locality/ Ward /neighbourhood level needs Family Needs Young person’s need
Why is needs assessment important? Understanding needs enables good planning It’s the first step in any high quality planning or commissioning process It enables local authorities and their partners to identify and agree priorities for action It enables differentiation between outcomes for different groups of young people – identifying specific groups of young people that experience poor outcomes It’s not just about collecting data – it’s about ongoing dialogue with young people, their families and communities.
What sources of data do you use? Office for National Statistics Children and young people’s plan Children and young people’s needs assessment Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Local Authority Statistics and Research online Where else?
About your patch We need to consider the characteristics: People – ethnicity, lone parents, young parents, Local economy Employment and worklessness Education and qualifications Health Housing Crime and ASB
Identify the needs of young people in your area E What’s the need?What’s the evidenceWhat’s the source of the evidence High levels of TPTP rateHealth authority data Anecdotal evidence Information from partner agencies High levels of NEETNEET dataDfE Local information Low levels of attainment GCSE results for specific schools School performance tables
Addressing young people’s needs Choose a session from the past week and describe it to your group.... What was the content? How did it address the needs you’ve identified for young people in your area? What did young people learn or gain – Knowledge, skills, capabilities? How did you evaluate their learning? What evidence is there that demonstrates their learning gains?
Understanding the language Input Activities Outputs – usually numbers Outcomes – short, medium & long term Indicators - of movement/progress towards outcomes Impact – on the longer term goal
Output Number of young people supported Number of sessions etc Outcomes How has the young person been helped? (Improved confidence, skills & capabilities gained from the programme) Indicator – reducing numbers of Neet Impact Longer term – often after a number of outcomes have been achieved Young people have a job Reducing the number of young people who are NEET
A reminder about what works Lambert 1992
Key to the approach is a link between social and emotional capabilities and long-term outcomes … Young Foundation 2012
‘Harder’ Indicators ‘ Softer’ Indicators Confidence / Self-esteem Self-regulation Behaviour/ conduct Communication Social & emotional skills Subjective happiness Confidence / Self-esteem Self-regulation Behaviour/ conduct Communication Social & emotional skills Subjective happiness Positive parenting Positive family relationships Community cohesion Civic participation, Volunteering & voice Success in education Career success/Employment Avoiding crime and ASB Being healthy-appropriately accessing social care, health & mental health services Avoiding teen pregnancy & poor outcomes for next generation Literacy & Numeracy Level 1 or 2 qualification Attainment at GCSE Attendance rates Avoided exclusion Staying on at school Not exhibiting ‘internalised’ risky behaviour Outcomes for young people Young Foundation 2012 Individual Social
The evidence base….. Young Foundation 2012
At the heart of the Outcomes Framework are seven clusters of capabilities Young Foundation 2012
Applying the capability clusters How does your work with young people fit with the capability clusters? Choose a programme or project that you manage or deliver Which of the clusters – choose one or two - does it address What does the evidence that you already gather demonstrate? What evidence is or could be gathered to demonstrate that young people develop the capabilities within the cluster(s)
Designing outcome based programmes In groups: Pick a cluster that you think will benefit a group of young people you are working with (meet their needs) Explain why you think working on that cluster will make a difference – this is your ‘theory of change’ Identify the methods and processes that you will undertake with that group over an 8-12 week period that will ensure young people have the opportunity to develop the capabilities within the cluster/s.