ALLIANCE PROGRESS Mary Carter, Jan King & Heather Petch, Pullens Group
ORIGINS OF ALLIANCE Need to do more to stop the range of negative outcomes facing vulnerable women and girls by: Building a broad based alliance to drive, expand AND widen the legacy of the Corston Initiative Developing and refining a theory of change to underpin the work, set goals and measure success Involving women and girls as experts with experience Establishing a Transitional Steering Group to steer first steps
ALLIANCE BUILDING Build a business case to secure financial backing incl: Governance model and structure Strategy, outcomes & measures of success Proposed identify and communications plan Map existing policy, activity & key players Refine the Theory of Change Facilitate the development of the alliance
APPROACH & TIMELINE Set up – Feb/March Consultation – Mar/April Taking Stock – April/May Options appraisal – May/June Agreement for plan – June/July
SET UP & CONSULTATION Underpinning set of values Formulation of Terms of Reference to ensure clarity of roles, responsibilities, decision making processes and accountabilities Interviews with the each member of Transitional Steering Group (TSG) Interviews with broader group of people in the field including groups of women and girls with experience Mapping the landscape/liaison with Evidence Review team Exploring learning from other alliances (including in other fields) Taking Stock report discussed by Transitional Steering Group (7th May)
VALUES Putting women with lived experience at the centre of our work Grounded in evidence Being brave, bold and challenging Creating energy, taking action, staying focused Working together and with others – listening, respectful, allowing for difference and disagreement, pursuing a shared language Transformational – bringing about system change Tackling structural inequality
CONSULTATION FEEDBACK Little disagreement with the broad ambition Some concerns e.g. moving too far away from a focus on women in the criminal justice system Language of Theory of Change not accessible and needs wider scrutiny No appetite for a new organisation No clear agenda yet
BROAD AMBITION A need for: Structural & system changes arising from a gendered approach Gender impact assessments of policy and practice & acting on these Proving the economic impacts of a gendered approach Demonstration projects & evaluated examples to provide worth of alternatives Capturing hearts and minds
EXPERTS BY EXPERIENCE Women & girls who are experts by experience must have a voice in the alliance’s work Broad agreement that strategy should be to work with groups that are already in place with their own structures & safeguards Agreeing how this will be done needs further development Absolute consensus that whatever model(s) is adopted should be meaningful and not tokenistic
KEY MESSAGES Initial thoughts on key messages: This work benefits all – children, communities and society There is a powerful economic argument for a gendered approach There is a moral imperative to this work All policies need to have an equality impact assessment Alliance a thought influencer – making gendered approaches routine Caution on gender divides – no diminishing of men & boys to even up the role of women and girls
Establish an alliance with clarity about roles, responsibilities, accountabilities etc but not a formal constitution &/or a separate org. Appoint an independent chair Appoint a skills based & representative steering group (geographically, sectors etc) of people Appoint a director for a 3 yr period Seek a host organisation using a set of agreed criteria Developing the business case for initial core funding for one 3 yr post, plus some support and project costs First task of alliance to develop a manifesto. TAKING STOCK RECCOMMENDATIONS.
CONSULT WIDER GROUP ON NEXT STEPS Consultation event 21 st May 2014