What causes weather? L/O: to investigate how the Sun and water vapour cause the weather Starter: Copy and complete the spider diagram to show all the things you associate with the weather (Hint: write down any words used to describe the weather). rain 5 mins
L/O: to investigate how the Sun and water vapour cause the weather Task 1. Read P. 34 – 35 Geog 2 (5 mins) Task 2. Answer Q. 1 to Q. 6 on P. 35 Task 3. Draw an annotated diagram, use a whole page (turn it sideways!) (Hint: write on or next to the diagram to explain what the diagram is showing) to explain: Why the equator is warmer than the polar regions of the earth? (50 mins) Challenge task: P. 33 answer Q. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Task 4: Geographical skills! A. Use your worksheet to plot a climate graph showing rainfall (mm) and temperature (C) for Grenada. Temperature plotted in RED and rainfall in blue (see next slide) B. In your exercise books. Write a 100 word climate report for Grenada include facts and figures in your answer. Challenge task: Use the next slide to compare the climate of Grenada to the climate of London
L/O: to investigate how the Sun and water vapour cause the weather Plenary: A. Working in pairs (only write in one persons exercise book) B. use ½ a page to copy and complete the spider map to show how the weather affects our lives (10 mins)
L/O: to investigate how the Sun and water vapour cause the weather Answer: P. 35
What causes weather? L/O: to investigate how the Sun and water vapour cause the weather Starter: Below are five facts about the weather, rank them in order from 1 to 5 Weather is the state of the atmosphere around us. (Warm ? wet ? windy ?) It can change from hour to hour. The main causes of weather are the sun, and water vapour. Climate is the ‘average’ weather in a place – what it is usually like there. Climate changes from place to place, because of factors such as distance from the equator, and from the sea. The Earth can be divided into different climate regions.