Leadership Programme 2011 Session 2: Planning for Improvement
Check In How are you feeling? How did you get on with the self evaluation and Coach conversation? What about the homework?
Homework for Session 2 Self study: read HGIOS (3) Quality Indicators 8 & 9. Reflect on these in your Learning Journal and the impact they have on you Self study: Think about your proposed leadership project and the rationale: how will this develop you personally and have a positive impact on the school? Coach Conversation: Complete leadership self evaluation and discuss with coach Home Group Task: set up group, read Richard Holloway article and agree the 5 main learning points
Today’s special guests Laura Baillie – Balbardie Primary School Michelle McKenny – St. Kentigern’s Academy Planning for Improvement – a participants view!
Fidler’s model LeadershipManagement Administration Proactive Reactive Contributions to outcomes Influence on followers Proactive, inspirational Personal action Articulates aims Processes Resources Policy Structural attributes
Task In your Home Group think about the difference between leadership and management actions. On the post it notes provided decide on leadership and management actions and add them to either the leadership or management actions on the wall.
Planning for Leadership PLP Professional Recognition Learning Journals – more detail later Critical Incident Analysis – more detail later
Prof Recognition 1 GTCS A teacher must be able to demonstrate in relation to a specific area of expertise Enhanced knowledge Reflection on learning Reported and shared knowledge with colleagues WL Successful participation in leadership programme Attendance Project completion Portfolio of evidence Impact report and presentation
Prof Recognition 2 GTCS GTCS As part of the preparation for professional discussions 1 and 2 the following questions drawn from the key components of the framework should be considered: Recent CPD Recent CPD - influence on teaching - impact - themes - links to school initiatives Prof reading Impact; pupils,self, colleaguesWL Completing PLP and articulating it, being challenged in coach conversation
Prof Recognition 3 GTCS Prof Discussion 1 Development needs Classroom action Support Impact Evidence sharing WL Coach conversation 2 on PLP
Prof Recognition 4 GTCS Professional Action Portfolio of evidence CPD Programme Professional Experience Sharing Knowledge and Experience WL Successful completion of Leadership Project with evidence of impact and dissemination
Prof Recognition 5 GTCS Prof Discussion 2 Prof Reading How has it informed/challenged professional practice? Impact Pupil Skills Strategies Next steps Recommendation to GTCS WL Coach Conversation 8
Prof Recognition 6 Application to GTCS Complete PR Profile Send to GTCS Certificate Logged on register 5 year currency WL Impact Report Coach sign off
Homework for Session 3 Self study: complete PLP Self study; read chapter on leadership v management. Note main points in LJ Coach Conversation: Discuss PLP identifying any assumptions Home Group Task: think about your own leadership project and discuss what leadership and management actions you will have to use GLOW Group