Welcome to Parent’s e- Safety Evening 6.30pm-7.30pm Wednesday 9 th October 2013 Please take the hand outs, sign in and take a seat!
ICT at school Use of internet at school e-Safety Policy Cyber bullying Facebook Staying safe at home Your turn!
What ICT do we have? 2 x laptops 2 x netbooks 2 x Pcs 4 x i pads Digital cameras Video cameras Web cameras Bee-bots/pro bots Easi speaks CD Players A range of software-espresso, zu3d (animation) 2 simple, maths packs and subscription websites such as phonics play and my maths.
The Internet Independent Trusted Websites are blocked Safe searching Freeze feature Children are taught what to do if they see something they do not like
Staying Safe at school e Safety policy e Safety taught Rules displayed in classroom Strict county internet protection
What your child will learn! Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 Lower Key Stage 2 Upper Key Stage 2
Use of photographs Please return and sign form Website
Our e-Safety Policy
Our Aim Children at Jeavons Wood should be empowered and educated so that they are equipped with the skills to make safe and responsible decisions as well as to feel able to report any concerns. All members of staff need to be aware of the importance of good e-Safety practice in the classroom in order to educate and protect the children in their care.
Why do we need an e-Safety Policy? In today’s society, children, young people and adults interact with technologies such as mobile phones, games consoles and the Internet on a daily basis and experience a wide range of opportunities, attitudes and situations. The exchange of ideas, social interaction and learning opportunities involved are greatly beneficial to all, but can occasionally place children, young people and adults in danger. e-Safety covers issues relating to children… both in and out of school.
At Jeavons Wood we feel it is important to ensure there is a balance between controlling access to the internet and technology, setting rules and boundaries and educating students and staff about responsible use. We are aware that children and staff cannot be completely prevented from being exposed to risks both on and offline.
Cyber bullying Cyber bullying can be defined as “The use of Information Communication Technology, particularly mobile phones and the internet to deliberately hurt or upset someone” DCSF Abuse/
Speak to school Any worries! e.g. incidents of cyber bullying We will do our best to help!
Facebook No child under 13 should be on Facebook condary/What-are-they- doing/Socialising/Under-13s-and-Face/ condary/What-are-they- doing/Socialising/Under-13s-and-Face/ ents.pdf ents.pdf
A tad scary… IOOn2wR8bU IOOn2wR8bU
How do you keep your children safe at home?
Staying safe at home world/Episode1/ world/Episode1/ world/Hectors-World-Safety-Button1/ world/Hectors-World-Safety-Button1/ mary/ mary/
Staying Safe at Home mary/Growing-up-online/Playing-Games/ mary/Growing-up-online/Playing-Games/
Settings at home nswer/144686?hl=en nswer/144686?hl=en php php
Any Questions?
Your turn! Please explore the software and resources the children use on a daily basis. Laptop logon: 10kr (log on and password)