ADAPTATION Activities can be adapted in many ways. Can you think of any? 1. Changes can be made to the rules 2. Changes can be made to the equipment 3. Duration of the activity can be changed 4. Size and layout of the playing area can be altered.
Changes to the rules Can you think why we would make changes to the rules of sport? Younger players only need basic rules. Complex rules would confuse them and prevent a game from flowing. Rules can be adapted to improve skills eg. An additional touch in volleyball to gain control.
Changes to the Equipment Can you come up with 2 changes of equipment when adapting an activity? In football, younger players should use a lighter/smaller ball (size 3 or 4) Younger goalkeepers have difficulties making saves in full size goals. Smaller goals are better where the posts are closer together and crossbar lower.
Duration of the Activity The duration of an activity can be altered becoming more appropriate for younger players to maintain – 1. Skill Level 2. Fitness levels 3. Fun and enjoyment
Size and lay out of the area In many activities like rugby the number of players and the size of the pitch are reduced in order to help performance develop. Why? 1. Fewer players means more touches of the ball. 2. Smaller pitch restricts the effect of fatigue on performance meaning skill levels are of higher quality throughout.