Qualifications Update Donna Vivers CfE Liaison Manager
Scottish Qualifications Scottish Qualifications Advanced Higher Higher National 5 National 4 National 3 National 2 National 1 National Qualifications
Summary of Methods of Assessments National 4 (35 Courses) National 5 (35 Courses) Higher (35 Courses) Assignment2625 Case Study-11 Performance378 Portfolio-32 Practical Activity66- Project--4 QP/Test23842
Course Structures Course Structures
Subject Specific Events Unit Assessment, package 1 Unit Assessment, package 2 Unit Assessment, package 3 Finalised Specimen Question Papers Finalised Specimen Coursework Assessment Support 2012/13 Assessment Support 2012/13
What’s New? New Courses – computing science; design & manufacture; engineering; music technology; environmental science; and lifeskills maths. New practical Courses – cookery; electronics; fabric & textile technology; metalworking; and woodworking. New Awards – religion, beliefs & values; wellbeing; modern languages for life and work
In relation to the National Literacy Units at all levels: (i)exemption from demonstrating any of the four assessed skills of reading, writing, listening or talking will not be a reasonable adjustment (ii)using human readers and scribes will not be reasonable adjustments where reading and writing abilities are being explicitly assessed. Equality Act - Literacy Units
This service is available before certification This service is for candidates that do not sit the exam or do not perform to their best ability because of an exceptional circumstance during the event. The service will be open 10 days after each exam SQA will consider a wide range of evidence Exceptional Circumstances Consideration Service
This service is available after certification If the school are unsure about the assessment decision they can request: – Clerical check and or a marking review There will be a charge for this service It will be based solely on the exam paper The mark may go up or dwon Post Results Service
Glasgow University The University of Glasgow has not, in recent years, referred to Standard Grades or Intermediate 2 results, when assessing an applicant’s candidacy for entering a specific course. This will remain the case with the introduction of the National 4 and 5 Qualifications. College and University Perspectives
SQA More information can be found on our website: BBC Bitesize will also be working with us to produce materials to support pupil revision of new qualifications Engage For Education : Parentzone is organised into distinct and user-friendly areas covering issues that affect parents during the different stages of their children's education. More Information
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