e-Portfolio Reference Model Peter Rees Jones JISC-CETIS e-Portfolio Feasibility Study Dr Angela Smallwood & Sandra Kingston Centre for International e-Portfolio Development, University of Nottingham V PRJ
Standard Pattern: Apply to HE Use Case A set of 4 web services help me develop a profile of myself in terms of the course entry profile setting out the requirements for a particular course at a particular HEI. I discuss the profile with my advisor. (IAG stands for Information, Advice and Guidance. Web Service 4 permits formative assessment for IAG or summative assessment for a formal reference)
Standard Pattern: Apply to HE Use Case WS 1 calls the entry profile into a blank structured personal statement
Standard Pattern: Apply to HE Use Case WS 1 calls the entry profile into a blank structured personal statement WS 2 helps me draw on my e-P to create a profile
Standard Pattern: Apply to HE Use Case WS 1 calls the entry profile into a blank structured personal statement WS 2 helps me draw on my e-P to create a profile WS 3 helps link assertions and activities to evidence in my eP
Standard Pattern: Apply to HE Use Case WS 4 allows my adviser to formatively assess the statement AND ALSO allows my referee to make a summative assessment of the statement. This pattern has a strong association with diagnostic, formative & summative assessment
First iteration: context for the use case Typically the trigger for the initial use case is an Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) session with an advisor, prompting the potential applicant to use a Discovery Service: Having identified some possibilities I use the Profiling Service. The loop may be completed many times until I wish to make a formal application This Profiling Service enables me to develop a profile of myself in terms of the profile of an opportunity, such as an HE course or a job.
2 nd iteration: feedback & induction There is an outline spec of web services for a centralised admissions process that can produce feedback. I am given a commented version of the assessed statement. I use WS 1-4 to re-factor the statement & meet my HE advisor for the 1 st time. I draw up an action plan for my HE use of e-Portfolio.
Third iteration Unsuccessful applicants receive the same feedback that they review before meeting their advisor.
Service Use Case
Centralised HE Admissions yielding Feedback
Locating e-Portfolio Here, an e-Portfolio engine provides and receives information from a service. The services do not have to be part of the same system as the e-Portfolio
Locating e-Portfolio For example, the Discovery Service in this instance is not directly linked to the e-Portfolio. Services and repositories can be indirectly related to e-Portfolio.
Thin e-Portfolio for 14 – 19 Specialised Diplomas Neither the services consuming and producing information nor the repositories storing that information need to be contained within an e-Portfolio system.