Building Capacity in Universal Services using the ABLe framework Dundee and East Dunbartonshire Educational Psychology Services
Learning intentions Brief introduction to ABLe to include a ‘show and tell’ Brief introduction to ABLe to include a ‘show and tell’ The current situation and impact in Dundee The current situation and impact in Dundee Introducing ABLe to East Dunbartonshire Introducing ABLe to East Dunbartonshire Impact and feedback from East Dunbartonshire Impact and feedback from East Dunbartonshire Reflections on implementation science Reflections on implementation science Next steps for both areas Next steps for both areas
What is ABLe? Addressing Barriers to Learning Addressing Barriers to Learning
Introduction ABLe was created within DEPS It is a framework to help develop inclusion and a coaching tool to promote reflective practice It aims to help identify barriers to learning and then adapt the learning environment in response to identified need A key principle is that barriers are addressed at a whole class or nursery session level first, then a group level, and finally only for the individual learner if needed
Why might we need such a model? Why might we need such a model? Increase in developmental disorders Additional Support for Learning Act Family circumstances Health and disability Social emotional The learning environment Inclusion – ‘ presumption of mainstream’ Need to build capacity in universal services
ABLe is an electronic….
ABLe brings together: The information needed to gain a better understanding of barriers to learning A range of advice and strategies to help meet the needs of learners individually and on a group basis.
The ABLe framework Two connected mind-maps: The classroom (or learning environment) The learner ‘Taking a closer look’: assessment checklists ‘Ideas for’: strategies for intervention ‘Notes’ to develop a shared understanding
The ‘Classroom’ Map Key features of effective teaching/pedagogy Ideas/reminders The big picture: attuning the learning environment Make adjustments at this level first
The Learner Map The Learner Map Organised according to different aspects of child development Organised according to different aspects of child development Most areas in this map have two supporting documents already mentioned Most areas in this map have two supporting documents already mentioned
Language & Communication
How to access ABLe enter password and login at ‘resources’ section
Lets take a look…..
Current usage in Dundee Been trialled in schools since initial pilot in 2009 Formal roll out of ‘finished’ product started 2010: ABLe Champions, regular network meetings, link EPs Website developed 2010 Now being used in 30 out of 37 primary schools and 5 of 9 secondaries
The current usage in Dundee CPD for NQTs/ CTs Assessment and planning framework for individual children Source of information-sharing at transition Parent meetings when concerns being shared Planning tool for groups or whole class An audit for identifying standard supports available across the whole school or cluster Part of staged intervention
The current impact in Dundee Reduced level of individualised planning in some schools Greater distribution of responsibility for supporting pupils with additional support needs Staff coming together more regularly to plan for the specific learning needs of individuals and groups Cluster plans leading to greater consistency of standard supports across schools
What works for successful implementation? (Dundee) Leadership from the top Committed individual within the school to lead Coaching and modelling Sharing practice between schools Building on time for consultations between SfL and class or subject teachers Write it into ASN procedures
Next Steps (Dundee) New Education Service Plan has as a target to implement ABLe in all establishments Rewrite some sections to simplify language Make more relevant to Early years and roll out there Build in specific information relevant to ASD as part of Autism Strategy Development project Expand numeracy section Re-visit partnerships with SLT to improve some sections Improve website design and layout Align with other electronic planning documentation Establish cluster networks and target Champions needing extra mentoring
Quotes from Dundee teachers “The developers should be very proud, an excellent resource for teachers.” “... a very empowering tool for people” “The whole thing is so practical, it’s exactly what we’re needing.” “it’s helped me to get back to basics with my thinking about children and their’s enabled us to have very good discussions about children and to begin to put things into place.” “I’ve found ABLe absolutely fabulous.” “I have used ABLe with two of my colleagues who have children with severe behavioural problems ……. It has totally changed how I react with them.”