The EBI Enzyme Portal Cheminformatics and Metabolism Team
MACiEInterPro Enzyme-related resources at the EBI
Enzyme Portal The Enzyme Portal integrates EBI’s enzyme resources into a single access point MACiEInterPro
Stakeholders' Requirements Data source to be acknowledged Free and open access to the data Scope: Enzyme related resources
User Requirements Gathering Target users User roles User interviews User workflow analysis User workshop Users' expectation on the content Users' desired functionalities High level user requirements captured
User Requirements - Functionalities Search Free text Chemical structure Sequence Browse EC Hierarchy Chemical structure Disease Taxonomy Compare enzymes Customised export
User Requirements - Content Enzyme Headline Pathway Reaction Structure-Function Diseases and Drugs References
Enzyme Portal home page
Enzyme Portal Results Page
Enzyme Portal Entry Summary
Enzyme Portal Protein Structure
Enzyme Portal Reactions/Pathways
Enzyme Portal Small Molecules
Enzyme Portal Diseases
Enzyme Portal Literature
Work in progress Search by sequence or chemical structure Browsing Enzyme comparison Customised downloads
Acknowledgements Data providers Testers User Experience Analysts Everyone who has contributed to the Enzyme Portal You Paula de MatosRafael Alcántara Christoph SteinbeckJoseph Onwubiko Jenny Cham