Masters Programmes Stuart Anderson
MSc Community 200 Students on course this year Around 40 Nationalities on the MSc programmes No group dominates Largest groups: UK, Greece, India, China
Taught Postgraduate Programmes Informatics Artificial Intelligence Cognitive Science Computer Science European Masters in Informatics (EUMI) Specialist Areas Analytical and Scientific Databases ◄ Bioinformatics, Systems and Synthetic Biology Computer Systems and Software Engineering ◄ Informatics and Economics ◄ Intelligent Robotics ◄ Knowledge Representation and Reasoning ◄ Learning from Data ◄ Music Informatics ◄ Natural Language Processing ◄ ◄ Neural Computation and Neuroinformatics ◄ ◄ Theoretical Computer Science ◄
Study Pattern Semester 1Semester 2Summer Informatics Research Review (20 points) Informatics Research Proposal (20 points) Individual Project Supervised over the Summer (60 points) Taught Course (10 pts)