IAD Mission To provide University level support for teaching, learning and researcher development; through leadership, innovation, collaboration and direct provision that benefits students, staff and the University’s international reputation.
Our Remit Provide support for staff and students in teaching, learning and researcher development Support programme and curriculum development and enhancement
Our approach Support College/University strategic priorities Work closely and collaboratively with Schools & support services Provide clearer routes to support (for students and staff) Consider full continuum of requirements (UG, PGT, PGR, early career researchers, academic & teaching staff)
Provide clearer routes to support & information IAD website
Undergraduateswww.ed.ac.uk/iad/undergraduates Postgraduateswww.ed.ac.uk/iad/postgraduates Doctoral Researchers Research Staff Learning & Teachingwww.ed.ac.uk/iad/learning-teaching Events, resources and support for:
Focus on collaboration
Work closely and collaboratively…. …. with EUSA Peer Support Toolkit Student-led TEDx Peer Proof Reading
Learning Technology & Online Distance Learning IS and IAD working together: –Secondments –Projects –Collaboration Supporting DEI course teams Joint TEL & IAD Roadshows Support for MOOC tutors ODL community network and staff development Support for network
Networks for staff….. IAD Study Development Network Monthly update on resources & events Informal forum for exchanging ideas and practices Focus on helping students to be effective & independent learners self-enrol from
…IAD Masters Network (staff)
…ODL Community (staff)
Making the Most of Master – Partners & Networks
Researcher Development: Working with Schools….. Devolved funding and tailored training Supported preparation for PPR in GeoSciences and Social & Political Science Supported Global Academies with tailored training for interdisciplinary groups Links to research-staff societies Researcher-led fund
……links to Research Council Priorities Contribution to NERC and EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre applications Award of AHRC grants for innovative doctoral training (part of a Scottish collaboration) AHRC scholarships for public engagement and bespoke training BBSRC task force considering support and development for early career researchers EPSRC funded Interdisciplinary Sandpit event and Leadership Coaching for Chancellor’s Fellows.
Excellence in European Doctoral Education (ExEDE)
Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme (PTAS) 2013 Funding for discipline-specific pedagogic research or development projects 35 proposals across two most recent rounds, many excellent quality (14 funded, from £900 to £15,000) Topics included: innovative personalised feedback; comparing home and international students’ expectations & achievements; student perspectives on research methods courses; Peer Assisted Learning; and many more. PTAS learning & teaching showcase forum, June development/learning-teaching/staff/news/funding
Online Pre-sessional Academic Language course (OPAL) an IAD secondment project DEI support services project bid from Sarah Henderson (MVM) & Tony Lynch (ELTC), both IAD secondees Research, development & pilot (summer 2013) Introduction to online learning, online academic communication, academic language, critical reading & writing For English as second language students about to start an ODL Masters programme Will move into main ELTC provision from 2014
Other news & highlights
Support for undergraduate study development Web resources on academic good practice - new LearnBetter - self enrol study skills resource reorganised & expanded Twilight session workshops - new Quick Consultations – advertised via Senior Tutors & Student Support Teams Preparing for study web pages - new
PGT Provision (Students)
Engage Organisations and Student Link Organisations and Students Project Preparation During the Project Evaluation Process for WBPs
ILW project officer appointed to IAD –Alison Treacy, autumn events, 19 Schools Focus on inter-disciplinarity Increase in attendance Student buy-in –Bloggers & photographers at events Innovative Learning Week 2013
Increased budget for events –Alison Treacy liaising with School ILW coordinators New funding for student-led initiatives Closer ties with EUSA for promotion Events for ODL studnets Focus on building communities of learning; employability, & engagement with the public Innovative Learning Week 2014
50 competitors 9 Finalists 3 Minutes 1 slide Streamed live across the university Universitas 21 final in November
LEADER 2013 EU funded course for PhD students in the final stages of their PhD Creating the next generation of research leaders.
Public Engagement Fellowships
Celebrating Public Engagement Supported student led TEDx events At the Fringe: –Bright Fringe & –Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas
Celebrating Public Engagement
CPD Framework for Learning & Teaching Institution-wide framework developed during AY 2012/13; seeking Higher Education Academy (HEA) accreditation. includes flexible points based system – the Edinburgh Teaching Award – pilots during AY 2013/14 designed to give staff rich opportunities to reflect on teaching and assessment practices meaningful & relevant for their particular role and career stage. linked to different levels of Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Introduction to Academic Practice New course for experienced tutors & demonstrators Part of IAD Learning & Teaching CPD Framework Linked to HEA Associate Fellowship Pilot in January (sign up from late October)
PgCert Academic Practice The Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PgCAP) and its predecessor (PgCert University Teaching) have been running since The programmes are built around a part-time 3 year structure, although participants may complete within 14 months if they wish. The programmes provide staff development and an academic route leading to Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. The programme is jointly run between IAD and the Moray House School of Education. To date 77 individuals have graduated from our Programmes and over 400 staff members have attended our 2-day orientation. The next opportunity to join this programme is in early December. See the website for more details.
Get Connected: Welcome & Networking Day for New Academic Staff Piloted for Chancellor's Fellows in AY12/13 Now open to all new academic & research staff All dimensions of academic careers Teaching & learning, research, doctoral supervision, knowledge exchange etc. Interactive, tailored to individuals, focus on networking Leading to new collaborations & funding applications across Schools
IAD Case Study Repository New for 2013/14
Learning for Sustainability New IAD web page with case studies to follow Workshop in Practical Strategies series planned for Spring 2014 Web based resources for researchers on sustainable research practice
STOP PRESS IAD led initiatives shortlisted in 2013 Times Higher Awards Outstanding Employer Engagement Initiative - Making the Most of Masters Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers - Ingenious Women 6 Universities have been shortlisted in each category and the winners will be announced on 28th November 2013
The Institute for Academic Development