General Postgraduate Regulations Dr. F.S. Schlindwein Postgraduate Tutor E702 Department of Engineering
Terms and semesters Autumn Term: 2 October -15 December 2006 Spring Term: 15 January - 30 March 2007 Summer Term: 7 May - 29 June 2007 First Semester: Monday 2 October January 2007 Second Semester: Monday 22 January June 2007
General Information Graduate Office is the administrative arm of the University responsible for all Postgraduates. It is a useful source of information on registration, examination and graduation. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE THEY ARE: Fielding Johnson Building, Ground Floor.
Keep us informed Illness Withdrawal Suspension of Registration Term-time address
Keep us informed - illness If you are ill, or plan to take a holiday, make sure you inform your supervisor/ course director. If your illness lasts for longer than 1 week, inform Graduate Office too.
Role of the Postgraduate Tutor Pastoral care Implementing University/Departmental Procedures Mediating in any disputes Acting on the student’s behalf before University authorities
Day-to-Day Responsibilities Supervisor and co-supervisor Agree convenient meetings Take initiative in raising queries Make use of Research Group structure
Progress and Assessment APG status; effectively a probationary year to allow the Department to decide on your eventual degree registration Undertake an approved APG Training Programme (passports) Internal Assessor First Year Assessment Second Year Assessment
Submit notice to the Board of Graduate Studies of your “intention to submit” (3 months before submitting). This triggers the appointment of examiners by the Faculty. Aim to submit your thesis within three years of initial registration if you are a full-time research student. You should not take more than four years from registration to submission Viva examination with internal and external examiners. Progress and Assessment (cont.)
Demonstrating You may be given the opportunity to teach/demonstrate (£ for you); make sure you are given formal training before you start; don’t undertake more than 6 hours duties per week.
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Plagiarism is a serious offence. Always record and represent your research findings truthfully. Never take and use another person’s thoughts, writings, data, etc. If you have any concerns regarding the interpretations of academic honesty and plagiarism, consult your supervisor.
Wednesday, 4 October 2006 This event will begin with Registration at 9:30 in Lecture Theatre One, Ken Edwards Building. Graduate School - Induction Day (compulsory) Registration and Coffee …
Cross-Faculty General Scientific Induction (passport) Thursday 5 October all sessions are run jointly with the Faculty of Medicine and Biological Sciences Location: Frank & Katherine May Lecture Theatre, Henry Wellcome Building (entry from Lancaster Road, below Richard Attenborough Centre)
URL Links Academic Office PG Regulations Research Code of Conduct