Harnessing Technology Transforming Learning and Children’s Services John Davies – DfES Post 16 e-learning policy
Post 16 e-learning Priorities Provide a good quality ICT training and support package for practitioners (Priority 4) Action : Enhance Practitioner e-learning pedagogical skills Milestone : Core, optional and elective units of training and development, based on LLUK’s e- learning sector standards, available by and embedded in Initial Teacher Training and CPD
Post 16 e-Learning Programme Outcomes Enhance Practitioner e-learning pedagogical skills By % of the Post 16 educational workforce is more confident and competent in using ICT and e-learning to deliver learning, teaching and support services ICT and e-learning built into all Initial Teacher training
Equipping our Teachers for the Future Reform of Initial Teacher Training Initial assessment, using APEL, individual learning plan and support Level 3 passport to teaching QTLS within 5 years, via qualification or CPD route Professional development record, leading into lifelong CPD record Registration with Institute for Learning
Preparation for Reforms Up to 40 regional pilots in two phases covering: - individual learning plans - mentoring – subject specific and generic - teaching observation and practice Regional Events “One Year On” Consultation (led by LLUK) on drafts of the new professional standards for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers
Initial Teacher Training Transformation Projects 9 action research projects integrating e- learning into ITT Linked to the ITT reform pilots (Mentoring; Initial Assessment; Observation) Case studies and resources produced
E-LEARNING TEACHER TRAINING Transformation Project Michelle Jennings LSDA
Context of project E-Learning and the reform of initial teacher training are now key priority areas for education policy, providing a unique opportunity to focus on new approaches to teaching and learning. This is reflected in the precedence given to e-learning as a pedagogical tool in recent government education policy.
Targeted areas Observation Assessment Coaching Course design CPD Mentoring Classroom management Online teaching and learning Widening participation Models of effective practice Subject specific support Reflective Practice
KINGSTON COLLEGE Title of project: The application of e- learning to support teaching observation and subject mentoring for trainees in the adult and community learning sector
KINGSTON COLLEGE Kingston video college.ac.uk/
WEYMOUTH COLLEGE Title of project: Teacher training in the future, ILT in the present
BRADFORD COLLEGE Title of project: The integration of e-learning into a PCET training programme
BARNSLEY COLLEGE Title of project: The creation of an on-line e-learning skills development and support network
SOUTH BIRMINGHAM COLLEGE Title of project: A Teacher Training Subject Gateway
TAMESIDE COLLEGE Title of project: Embedding e-learning pedagogy in ITT
COLLEGE OF WEST ANGLIA Title of project: The production of professional development journals and development of reflective practice through blended e-learning
GREENWICH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Title of project: Transforming teaching and learning: Delivering initial teacher training via e-learning
SUNDERLAND CONSORTIUM Title of project: ILT & e-learning unit for ITT