Introducing … El Vis.NET the next step in ….. ELectronic VISitor control
El Vis Intro Electronic Visitor Management We are the pioneers in Electronic Visitor Management and in El Vis we have the market leading software solution. We’ve also developed a suite of complimentary systems that integrate with El Vis to make visitor management as comprehensive and effective as possible. El Vis.NET El Vis.NET is our secure web based visitor control solution that allows for the complete management of visitors to large or small buildings. Rich in functionality it can be integrated with access control systems, touch screen and Biometric products and applied to single site, multi-site and global applications. Want something a little lighter.. Try El Vis Lite… Windows based application (PC or server hosted data) No dependencies on any other software. Can be sent pre-configured to your visitor types and requirements.
El Vis Intro The Basics Easy, intuitive screens Minimal clicks – fast check in process Create any Type of Pass Print any design of badge per visitor type. Badge colouring can be automatically changed daily for added building security.
El Vis Intro The Nice To Haves El Vis.Net perfect for Multi-tenanted buildings with dedicated Tenant profile built into system. Pre-booking of visitors for maximum efficiency (net-wide - no install required). Sends attachments to save into your Outlook or Lotus notes calendar – slotting into your schedule management Instant message alerts to hosts, bookers and visitors delivered by either or SMS.
El Vis Intro The Data Comprehensive report builder for any report on demand. Plus Pre Built management reports – stats, counts, exceptions, working hours... In El Scheduled management tasks, such as controlling end of day non-returns for ultimate control and reporting in EL Individual user profiles enable varying levels of access and functionality in EL Windows & Web versions of El Vis are available for maximum accessibility and speed.
El Vis Intro Intuitive, easy reception screens
El Vis Intro On line ADMIN, pre-booking & reports
Visitor Touch Screen with Health & Safety Guide Assists with input of visitors’ name and obtains visitor’s commitment to Health & Safety information & data protection policy Normal Receptionist input can be used without change of settings Visman
El Vis Passes Paper. Plastic. Labels. Monochrome. Colour & Re-Writable (up to uses per card) or Re-Usable Numbered Welcome Card The choice is yours Visman
El Vis Passes Safety & Data Protection information on reverse / inside Standard or bespoke
El Vis Passes Selection of Pass Holders & Accessories
sleek, light, design Swipe passes in and out to log on site movements, register pre-printed passes on the premises Barcode Readers El Vis Peripherals Budget alternative Also advised for site / industrial areas
High-performance webcam with motorized tracking and Carl Zeiss® optics. Select option for photo capture per visitor type Camera El Vis Peripherals
LCD screened tablet or screen for visitor’s commitment to Health & Safety information & data protection policy Select option for signature capture per visitor type El Vis Peripherals Health & Safety Commitment via signature or touchscreen (from 10”)
paper, plastic, rewritable plastic……….. your needs.. your choice.. Select pass design & output per visitor type El Vis Peripherals Printers
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