Information/ Discussion UNIT 1 – Information Information/ Discussion The type of physical activity an individual chooses to participate in will depend on personal needs and desired outcomes: Health Benefits or Specific Performance Benefits. Exercise Physical Fitness Health
UNIT 1 – Information Physical Fitness “A set of attributes that are either health–related or performance (skill) related. Health–related fitness comprises those components of fitness that show the relationship with health status. Performance / skill-related involves components of fitness that enable optimal work or sport performance”. “The definition of physical fitness that enable optional work on sporting performance to include modern health-related aspects”. “Physical fitness allows you to perform daily activities and face physical and emotional stress during moments of increased intensity.”
Health “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” UNIT 1 – Information Health “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” “A human condition with physical, social and psychological dimensions.” “Health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental and social well-being.”
The Health Triangle Well-Being UNIT 1 – Information Mental Social Physical well-being Mental well-being Social well-being Well-Being Physical Mental Social Coping with the demands of everyday life Coping with emotional pressures – positive outlook on life Developing good relationships – a feeling of belonging and being of value
Exercise UNIT 1 – Information ‘Exercise is a form of leisure-time physical activity that is usually performed on a repeated basis over an extended period of time (exercise training) with a specific external objective such as the improvement of fitness, physical performance or health.’ A person cannot be seen to be healthy unless they are physically fit. This means EXERCISE provides the link and is crucial to a person’s health. A person can be FIT but not HEALTHY. The social and mental aspects must be developed alongside the physical.
HEALTHY, BALANCED LIFESTYLE v SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE UNIT 1 – Information Healthy Lifestyle ‘A Healthy lifestyle is a good balance of work and play, a healthy balanced diet and an appropriate amount of physical activity and rest.’ ‘A Healthy Lifestyle is about both physical and mental well-being in a social context.’ ‘A Healthy Lifestyle is more than freedom from illness but reflects a quality of life or a sense of wellness.’ ‘The ability to make informed decisions about living healthily depends on an individual understanding of the consequences of the choices they make.’ HEALTHY, BALANCED LIFESTYLE v SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE
Increase in Body Strength UNIT 1 – Information PHYSICAL BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATING IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Strengthens Muscles Lowers Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Develops Cardio-Respiratory System Increases Bone Density Keeps Joints Flexible Increase in Body Strength And Endurance Increase in Respiratory Rate Develops Cardio-Vascular System Improves Muscle Tone Improves Body Shape Less Prone to Injury Looking Good/ Feeling Good Burns Excess Body Fat
Diseases that develop partly due to insufficient exercise UNIT 1 – Information Diseases that develop partly due to insufficient exercise Cardiovascular Diseases Type 2 diabetes Hypertension Cholesterol levels Angina Atherosclerosis Thrombosis Back pain and osteoporosis Back pain Certain cancers Anxiety related disorders Obesity
Teamwork and co-operation development UNIT 1 – Information SOCIAL BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATING IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Friendships Confidence Boost Challenge Fulfilment Mixing with new people Teamwork and co-operation development Self-worth / Respect Variety Motivation
Can relieve stress, tension, aggression UNIT 1 – Information MENTAL BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATING IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Can relieve stress, tension, aggression Excitement Emotional control Feel-good factor Improves self-esteem Stimulation Satisfaction Exhilaration Success Enjoyment Part of something Problems forgotten Challenges Positive attitudes mind-and-body-can-work-together-to-fight-depression
Making Correct Choices UNIT 1 – Information ACHIEVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Making Correct Choices Setting Goals Staying Motivated Adherence Strategy NHS should use term fat instead of obese, says minister
UNIT 1 – Practical Application What opportunities exist for becoming involved in physical activity in a range of roles? Classroom Discussion Spider diagram Development 2) Does AGE affect a balanced healthy lifestyle? Classroom discussion
Positive effects of an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE UNIT 1 – Practical Application What are the positive effects of a physical activity and an ACTIVE lifestyle? Class Discussion 3) Positive effects of an ACTIVE LIFESTYLE
UNIT 1 – Practical Application UNDERSTANDING PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SOCIAL HEALTH 4) In the appropriate box below, discuss what you think is meant by physical, mental and social health: Physical Health Mental Health Social Health
UNIT 1 – Practical Application Divide the Pie Chart so it shows which aspects of health – physical, mental, and social – you consider to be the most important. Write a short rationale, justifying your percentages. Write your own definition of health.
UNIT 1 – Practical Application 6) To show knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting performance, participation and provision in sporting and health issues e.g. risks associated with sedentary lifestyle, gender issues and the role of the school in promoting health and fitness. Class Discussion
Cardio-Vascular System Cardio-Respiratory System UNIT 1 - Links Cardio-Vascular System Cardio-Respiratory System Muscular/ Skeletal Systems Diet/ Nutrition – Fuel for Exercise Motivation Adherence Goal-Setting Performance, Provision, Participation (Section A)
UNIT 1 - Activity Define the terms ‘health’ and ‘fitness’. Explain the relationship between health and fitness. 3) ‘Good health can be described as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.’ Explain fully how exercising and taking part in sporting activity can help a person’s physical, mental and social well-being. ‘Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.’ Give three reasons to explain why taking part in a sporting activity can help a person’s mental-being.
UNIT 1 - Activity 5) Health is… Fitness is… Exercise is… Wellbeing is… (i) Can you be fit but not healthy? (ii) Can you be healthy without being fit? Fitness is composed of health related components and skill related components. Identify components of health and skill related fitness. Does exercise have to be strenuous to produce health benefits – the ‘no pain, no gain’ principle?
UNIT 1 - Activity Examine the relationship between Health, Physical Fitness and exercise. Examine the consequences for your Health of a Sedentary Lifestyle.
Exercise Physical Fitness Health Health Triangle Physical Well Being UNIT 1 – Key Facts/ Glossary Exercise Physical Fitness Health Health Triangle Physical Well Being Mental Well-Being Social Well-Being
UNIT 1 – Key Facts/ Glossary Healthy Balances Lifestyle v Sedentary Lifestyle Key Roles – Exercise and Diet Diseases that can develop through lack of exercise Benefits of exercise: Physical, Social, Mental Choices – Goals – Motivation – Adherence – Strategies Health Related and Skill Related Fitness Components Constraints on choosing a healthy lifestyle SECTION B GCSE Physical Education