Effective Learning: Lecture 1 Learning Strategies With thanks to David Smith
Why Am I here!?!? Social Interaction Critical Thinking Learning
What Are You Trying to Achieve? Friends Personal growth Degree
Planning Your Time
Short-Term Planning Have a Routine Fill Gaps Constructively Break-up Study into Tasks Balance Work… With FUN!
Re-Evaluate Your Plan Be flexible Essay Deadlines Exam Revision Reading Weeks Know Yourself Be Honest….and Realistic!
Workload and Deadlines Know your deadlines well in advance Familiarise yourself with module information and assessments Break up tasks into long, medium and short term Allow time for preparation Allow for the unexpected (illness, hangovers etc.) If you can’t meet a deadline, request an extension via your department office (not automatically granted)
What to do if it’s all going wrong.
Personal Student Advice and Counseling Residential Support Team (Wardens) Friends Nightline (contact Students’ Union for details)
Personal Tutor, Module Coordinators, Part One Coordinator Effective Study Collection Study Practices Programme (Student Support): Classes for writing, seminar/lecture skills, information skills Individual consultations with RLF Writing fellows Students Union for equal opportunities advice Health Services (contact Student Welcome Centre)
Approaching Difficult Study Material Find more general sources to lead you in Check your lecture notes Form a study group Pool your reading Explain things to each other Ask your tutor Ask in the relevant libraries (specialist librarians can advise)
Why go to lectures? Provide a frame of reference Good introduction to the topic Give clues as to what is important for essays and exams Focus on aims of modules
Taking Notes Familiarise yourself with the topic before the lecture Is there a handout? It might be easier to annotate that Are handouts available through AberLearn Blackboard? Develop a personal shorthand Go over your notes afterwards Correct errors and illegibility Add more detail Mindmaps may help Have a system for organising and filing your notes
Taking Good Notes Leave lots of space for later thoughts and analysis Mark Key Concepts Colour Icons Highlighting Categories and Hierarchies Number the pages!
Reading Why? Greater depth of knowledge Selection Understand the library Know why you are reading Organisation Reading lists Checking availability through libraries and online resources Prioritising reading
Seminars Take the opportunity to share ideas and find out what others think Support your position with reasoned argument Take notes Be prepared to make presentations Don’t be shy – everyone is nervous Be tolerant too!
Summary… Goals Time management Sources of assistance Lectures Note-taking Reading Seminars
The End Any questions? The next lecture will be on essays and assignments.
Any questions? Study Practices Programme (Student Support): Classes for writing, seminar/lecture skills, information skills Individual consultations with RLF Writing fellows. Contact for – for any learning difficulties e.g. skills/
Feedback Please provide some comments for further development of this seminar: A link is also provided at the main Student Support Study Practices page: skills/effective-study/