End of Life Care Education Commissioning Event 2012 The future is now; how can you help shape the way forward? Anne Marlow, Director of Innovation
East Midlands LETB East Midlands Local Education & Training Board The outcomes from our conversations today will be used to… Ensure decision making is informed by professional opinion and real life Enable us to focus on what is most important Understand each other better Explore new ideas Create ownership of vision and priorities we create Ensure we point in the same direction so that we make a big difference!
Provider leadership – The LETB is an education and training system for the East Midlands and we are all part of it. We want our approach to be inclusive What’s different about the way we are working….
Our values and values Respect and dignity Commitment to quality care Compassion Improving lives Working together for patients Everyone counts Pride in working for and with the LETB Pride and fulfilment in being a healthcare professional
Quality of care = organising principle Clear vision, values and behaviours that we co- create Improvement and innovation is everyone’s business Developing distributed leadership through the operating model Being ambitious for the East Midlands Clarity of purpose How will we do this?
Stakeholder Engagement Circles of Influence: Derby LHC Example Derbyshire LHC & Infrastructure Health & Well Being Board Derbyshire County / City Council CCG’s NHS Service Providers Derbyshire Health United Local Medical Committe e HEI’s Med / Non- Med MD / DoME / DoN Professional And Clinical Engagement NHS CB Local Area Team / PCT Cluster Public Health Commissioners Local Authorities Independent Sector GP / Pharmacy / GP Tutors / Independent Contractors Education Providers And Research DHFT DHCFT CRHFT DCHS Skills for Care, Cygnet, Nuffield, Care Homes, Ripplez MECC SNA HIMP Employers Unions Public Sector Compact Meets requirements of regulators Transformation Patient and Public Involvement Innovation Clinical / Professional Engagement Employment and Skills Strategy Adults / Childrens Social Care Service Commissioners CSS? Professional Bodies / Derbyshire Nurse Cabinet / Clinical Networks / Derbys AHP Network / Deanery Network HIEC UoN SHU UoS FE AHSN? NCORE EFH? Primary Care
Success criteria Improvements in safety Improvements in patient experience Improvement in staff experience Improvements in clinical outcomes Innovation Living within our means Sustainable workforce supply What else……
East Midlands Local Education & Training Board What are we responsible for? Five Local Health Communities 5 PCTs 18 NHS Healthcare Providers Healthcare education spend £374 Million 11 Universities 2 Medical Schools 1 Deanery 1 HIEC NHS employed staff 79,000 WTE East Midlands population 4.5 million people Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Northamptonshire Lincolnshire Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Derby and Derbyshire £26 billion spent on health and healthcare More than 10,000 professionals in training In 2011/12 (TBC)
Our priorities Tackling the workforce implications of changing patterns of care in A&E Enabling the workforce to make service improvement everyone’s business Multi-professional alignment throughout the new system Making Every Contact Count Securing as much autonomy locally so that we can respond to priorities and be innovative
Some challenges and opportunities…. Patient experience is affected in some services by difficulties in attracting and retaining appropriately skilled staff Lots of service redesign with new workforce requirements Inequity in resources – historically we have not received a fair share of funding for professional education in the East Midlands. There is also inequity in funding between professions and between organisations Many staff do not have the capabilities or incentives to make service improvements alongside delivery today We have not engaged well with primary care or the independent/voluntary sectors in relation to workforce development and planning in the past
How is it going? We are learning a lot because we are talking to different people We have had very positive feedback from DH and Health Education on our progress so far Lots of complexity because so much of the system is changing at the same time – we need to keep workforce, education and training high on the agenda during the change Some frustrations on occasions about the pace of change. We would like greater autonomy Confident that we can work together to drive real improvement locally
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