GM Wholeplace pilot A community budget approach to public service reform
Wholeplace in GM What it is Why it’s happening Our experience with Transforming Justice Expected developments Key points
What it is Public service reform centred around four main themes plus an emerging fifth –Early years –Complex families –Transforming justice –Health & Social Care –(work) Reducing demand on the system
Why it’s happening
Our experience of Transforming Justice Started two years ago Approaches have changed significantly –Paralysis through analysis –Exemplar model –Whole system approach Now see VCS written into new delivery model
Expected developments Everything will change Public spending will continue to decline, even after growth restarts (if growth restarts) Public sector leadership want VCS to have a bigger share of public funding New delivery models won’t be implemented in the short term
Key points Popular models of impact assessment do not identify cashable savings The wider environment has a bigger effect than any initiative We need to be ready for a zero growth future