What is QUEST ? A QU ality E xcellence ST andard for all RA’s – BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD Launched in January 2013 It is a blueprint for national Governance It is a FORMAL scheme Aimed at improving membership levels Aimed at improving the quality of meetings Working with the FA Recognises the local RA’s commitment to CPD and raising standards Levels published nationally
How is QUEST Assessed ? Lead Assessors appointed by the National RA Criteria laid down for each level RA must be in existence for 1 year…… time to start working on this Pre-determined evidence collected by RA and submitted to National RA Support Centre Evidence MUST be provided electronically for EVERY point National RA Board ratify BRONZE and SILVER awards Valid for 3 Years ENCOURAGES YOUTH MEMBERSHIP ON COMMITTEE !
BRONZE Award Fully developed constitution which members are aware of Up to date record of all members on a database The local RA should have sufficient funds to enable it to function efficiently for future years Accounts are verified and signed off annually by an INDEPENDENT and COMPETANT person Constituation to be submitted as part of evidence and cover areas such as Management, Fees, Local Rules and Regulations regarding membership ….. And been in existence for 1 year Minutes of meetings sent to all members
SILVER Award The local Association should provide a basic mentoring programme together with match day advice given by FA trained Coaches or Mentors The local Association is encouraged to attract a YOUTH (under 25) representation on the Executive committee. The local Association SHALL construct a training plan and have a proactive approach to training and must be able to demonstrate a clear partnership with the CFA and their RDO The mentor officer SHALL be able to provide pro-active support to all Members and be a voice of re-assurance At least one training session per season SHALL be conducted by a YOUTH Member
SILVER Award … contd The mentor officer SHALL have a proactive relationship with the CFA RDO The ongoing and general development of the local Association should consider the evolving formats of football such as 9 v 9 and other aspects of football within the local area The local Association should encourage participation in fitness programmes/sessions developed by the CFA. The local Association SHALL work proactively with the RA Head Office and any other stakeholders e.g. CFA, to achieve efficient delivery of administration compliance – documentation must be completed on time and in full – this SHALL include remote data access of Head Office data base
SILVER Award ….. contd The local Association must have the facility to communicate fully with key stakeholders by electronic means Working with the local leagues is critical to the overall development of an Association’s Members and the local Association must be able to demonstrate a positive working relationship with local league/s and be able to demonstrate effective mentoring for newly qualified referees when officiating in the league/s.
Questions ?? Approval for committee to proceed with application to gain BRONZE accreditation…..