‘Unlocking the Band’ ‘Unlocking the 28GHz Band’ Matt Hobby – System Engineer
The Last Mile Last Mile City - Urban Suburban Rural Local Loop End UserPoint of Presence
Existing Technologies ADSL+ Low Cost- Future Proof Satellite+ Nationwide Coverage -Latency -Cost/ Contention Leased Line+ Speed- Rollout Cost LIBRA
Low-cost Internet Broadband Radio –Licensed 28 GHz spectrum –40 km radius super-cell –Uses conventional BFWA equipment –15,000 uncontended symmetric connections –Places a 30m mast within 1 km of every subscriber
Satellites, HAPs, LAPs & Towers 300+ km 21 km 1.5 km 0.3 km
Like a HAP but Based on existing technology Station keeping guaranteed by tether Power requirements guaranteed Spectrally efficient backhaul via tether Low cost!
Equivalent Tower Model Aerostat CPE Free Space region 30 m mast
Shadowing & LOS 80%+ 40 km
The Link Budget Extremely High Gain BS antenna QPSK modulation Standard 60 cm CPE boundary 99.9% availability Rain band F assumed
Target Cost to End User > 2 Mbit/s Uncontended Symmetric ~ £300 per link to Network Operator End User cost of ~ £350
Roadmap Integrate payload Commercial demonstrator Full system deployment April 2003January 2004 January 2005
Conclusion LIBRA The LONG TERM solution for Broadband Britain !
Aerostat 1 km