PRODUCT APPROACH TO GROWTH KINDLE VS. NOOK AMAZON VS. BARNES AND NOBLE Presented by Bev Versele Southeast Michigan Model Club February 20, 2010
INFORMATION NOOK INFORMATION The Nook offers countless story-lines i.e. kindle killer, android OS. The sharing feature has captured peoples imagination. There were journalists who attended the B&Ns Conference and live-blogged and wrote articles. Can be used as a fancy Press Conference. Its Barnes and Nobles formal entry into eReaders. The ability to read ebooks free in B&N Stores. Its US centric. KINDLE INFORMATION 1. First, the Kindle has a strong advantage because of its free Internet. 2. Second, the Kindle can be bought worldwide, as can the ebooks for it. Nook doesnt sell ebooks outside of the US. 3. Third, usability is a big point for the Kindle. It offers an easy user interface and a physical keyboard which allows people to type in their notes which is the only current option on the Nook. 4. Finally, the Kindle is that it has a 30 day return period with no restocking fee. It's easy to back out with the Kindle.
Kindle Vs Nook Who Wins? 1.There is an interesting aspect to the Kindle vs. Nook debate that often doesn't get played in the general news. The question is how do they pay the authors who publish books? 2.Kindle Vs Nook creates an interesting question about how should royalties be handled for digital books? the Kindle vs. Nook battle, both machines use the same eInk Screen. So your reading shouldn't be any different on either device. 4.Continuing here, both the Kindle and the Nook support PDFs, making both eReaders comparable in that regard. For those of you who remember reading that the Kindle didn't support PDFs, this was a newly added feature in November, Price point is the same for the Kindle vs. Nook. Both devices are priced at $259 and both eReaders sell the bestsellers for $9.99.
Barnes & Noble News Shares of competitor Barnes & Noble(BKS Quote) have fallen 1.2% to $ Barnes & Noble makes the Nook e-book reader, which competes with the Kindle. Barnes & Noble said earlier this month that it quickly sold out of Nook stock online over the holidays due to unprecedented customer demand, and since then has ramped up production.BKS Quote
Amazon News Customers with BlackBerrys on AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon and other U.S. carriers can begin to access hundreds of thousands of popular Kindle books with easy wireless access.popular Kindle The free "Kindle for Blackberry" application can be downloaded from Amazon stock is trading up 1.3% at $ Thursday afternoon.
Picture of the Kindle
Picture of the Nook
Questions to ponder