Sir John Lawes School
GSCE Religious Studies Full Course OCR Religious Studies B: Philosophy and Applied Ethics
What is involved in the Course? Students need to complete 4 modules of study to gain a full GCSE in Religious Studies. By the end Year 9 students would have completed one module and will have started the second module. The module they will have completed by the end this term is on philosophy and the next module will be on ethics.
What have they already studied? The students have almost completed their first GCSE module in philosophy called What is Philosophy?. This included: Beliefs about Deity Religious and Spiritual Experience The End of Life
Ethics Students will start their first ethics module named What is Ethics? around Easter and will study: Religion and Human RelationshipsReligion and Human Relationships Religion and Medical EthicsReligion and Medical Ethics Religion, Poverty and WealthReligion, Poverty and Wealth (Both Short and Long Course students will complete this module)
Ethics 2 During the Long Course students will also complete a second ethics module which includes: Religion, Peace and Justice Religion and Equality Religion and the Media
Philosophy 2 There is also another philosophy module that will make up the fourth module and complete the course. Students will study: Good and Evil Religion, Reason and Revelation Religion and Science
Exams This course is completely exam based and these will be taken at the end of Year 10 and 11. There is No Coursework for this course
So why do a Full GCSE In Religious Studies? Those who enjoy debating, analysing and interpreting information will thrive on this course as we teach our students how to delve deeper into the argument and texts to gain a better understanding of peoples’ ideas. You will also be encouraged to put across your own thoughts and ideas about the modules we study. Ethics and philosophy are diverse areas of study which offer individuals an almost limitless world of possibilities.
Still not convinced? The great thing about the Long Course is that we have 3 times more lessons per week then the Short Course. This means that we can offer our students a more diverse educational experience utilising: trips; local speakers from different religious groups; debating; multi-media resources and student lead activities and lessons.
Thank you! And remember ‘Life can only be lived forwards, but understood backwards.’ (Soren Kierkegaard)