SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITED SMMT, the ‘S’ symbol and the ‘Driving the motor industry’ brandline are trademarks of SMMT Ltd The future for UK bodybuilding SMMT Open Forum Wednesday 30 March 2011
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 2 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Robin Dickeson Manager, commercial vehicle affairs
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 3 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding CV Manufacturers’ Section CV Aftermarket Committee CV Bodybuilders Committee Commercial Trailer Association CV Racking Association Transport News Brief
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 4 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Bodybuilding numbers Type Approval What will change?
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 5 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding The numbers 1,500 to 2,000 UK bodybuilders ….or over 4,500?
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 6 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding More numbers Rolling year to date 16 t Totals Panel van150,0811, ,284 Car derived van 28, ,165 Pickup 16, ,549 Tractor ,794 12,794 Light 4x4 utility 10, ,427 Tipper 4, ,249 7,028 Motor caravan 4,7301, ,030 Box van 2, ,266 1,390 5,771
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 7 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding and yet more… Rolling year to date 16 t Totals Van, side windows4, ,898 Insulated van2, ,032 Dropside lorry3, ,882 Minibus 4223, ,547 Curtain sided ,316 2,304 Luton van1, ,745 Refuse disposal ,324 1,666 Flat lorry ,101
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 8 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Type Approval 1European Whole Vehicle Approval 2UK Small Series Approval 3UK Individual Approval
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 9 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding What will change? Biggest change to the UK bodybuilding industry since the Second World War
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 10 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding But… UK truck fleet static at half a million for over 50 years UK bodybuilder community faces cuts Fewer firms to share same size cake
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 11 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding What’s new? Weight, costs, continental competition, flat packs, new methods, new materials, plastic fire engines, spray-on liners and much, much more.
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 12 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding The numbers Ill-defined industry Type Approval Already starting to bite What’s new? Biggest change since WWll
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 13 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Biggest change since WWll
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 14 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Biggest opportunity since WWll
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 15 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Bright future for the brave
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 16 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding You need to understand Type Approval Vital for bodybuilders and their suppliers, as well as dealers, vehicle makers and operators Senta – SMMT European and National Type Approval Web-based advisory service, free to SMMT members.
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 17 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Type Approval - the DfT warning: No approval = no registration = no sale …and maybe no business?
SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS LIMITEDPAGE 18 SMMT Open Forum The future for UK bodybuilding Thank you for your time Robin Dickeson on or Nigel Base or or