Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. (Kevin Durant, NBA Basketball Player) What does the quote mean to you? What is talent? Do you think you are talented at anything in particular? Does talent exist?? How does it relate to your personal experiences in life? Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer.
“The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.” (Mark Twain) “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”(Stephen King) What do these quotes mean to you? Can success come without working hard? How does it relate to your personal experiences in life? Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer.
“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect”. (Vince Lombardi) What does the quote mean to you? Apply this to your school work, what is it saying? How does it relate to your personal experiences in life? Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer.
fA fA What are your thoughts on this video? What does it suggest? Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer.