The Haunted Mansion The door burst open, leaves swirled around the passage. Distant screams could be heard, as the misty night grew darker and colder. Sam, Kirsty and Bob the floppy eared dog stood stiffly cold outside the passageway. Out of the corner of her eye, Sam saw a shady, black mass moving slowly around the wall of the house. Sam felt her knees tremble with fear. “Kirsty, there’s something freaking me out over there. I’ve just seen a shadowy figure!”
Suddenly, the mass struck again! Sam grabbed Kirsty and Bob and dashed to the shed. They opened the door and went in. They found a shelf. There were books on the shelf. The books said on the front cover ‘Spells’ and there was two wands beside them. Sam and Kirsty grabbed a wand each and the spell books. They started to look for a spell to lock the door. Then the door locked. They found an attack spell then the window broke and the mass got in. Kirsty stood up and said “flimdo” and knocked the mass through the door and hit the wall. The moon shawn on the mass, it was a wizard. He only wanted to be friends with them and now they go every Sunday to learn magic.
Writing and created by Richard Cairns.