Introducing the East Midlands Academy A membership organisation - all 24 [current] East Midlands NHS organisations have agreed to support it and fund it through a levy. Established in Autumn Karen Lynas is Director of the Academy, Professor Rachel Munton is Deputy Director Work with all professional groups and a growing reputation for innovative, effective, engaging and high quality work. Focus on senior leaders –typically Band 8C and above, includes all professional groups, some special attention given to leaders from under represented groups. “To improve patient, service user and carer experience and support staff wellbeing in the East Midlands through the development and promotion of high quality leadership”
Context It is important that the developments reflect the current Consultation in the White paper and the 5 supporting consultation documents, and do not prematurely suppose a particular approach or model. There is some National guidance still awaited on Consortia which will be helpful to have prior to the implementation of any substantial development programme The Academy remains connected to national work in this area and continues to work closely with the SHA in their complementary roles. The Academy is keen to respond to the needs of GPs and the emerging Consortia Irrespective of the outcome of the consultation process the need to engage with and develop our GP community is evident and significant. There are a number of existing Academy products that may be of interest, current tenders that speak to GPs early requests, and an ability to sign, develop, commission, lead and deliver high quality bespoke leadership offers. For , these initiatives for GPs can be funded from existing budgets
Feedback from GPs initial scoping meeting Areas of work the Academy could support: Support to understand ‘what we don’t know we don’t know’ Work with local clinical leads to ascertain what support is needed, what is already available/accessible and identify those to work on together Development of required skills – including influencing and inspiring those beyond our direct control, executing strategy and tactical delivery. Supporting the sharing of good practice and learning across and outside the East Midlands. Areas of activity that require national and/or regional co- ordination and input: Help in raising the understanding of the duties and expectations of consortia Increase the understanding of good contracting and the breadth of what this actually means in practice for GPs in the East Midlands
The Academy approach is a blend of: G AINING K NOWLEDGE : through expert input, briefings and seminars Eg: context, environment, external influencers duties and accountabilities of accountable officers D EVELOPING S KILLS : through workshops, simulations and masterclasses Eg: Influencing and negotiating Commercial and contracting skills E NHANCING B EHAVIOURS through coaching, mentoring, action learning sets Eg: personal leadership effectiveness, managing conflict, difficult conversations G AINING E XPERIENCE : through secondments, placements, workplace development and robust feedback Eg: developing expert practice
An example of our offers Your Suggestion : leadership development programmes currently in place which are or could be made available to key leaders to encapsulate Leadership needs identified e.g. negotiation and influencing skills Academy Response : Transition Programme – a modular programme which can be tailored to suit GPs needs Equipped to lead – a modular programme with core subjects of interest to GPs and the ability to flex this content Executive Coaching - external coaches available through well established contract Your Suggestion : Help colleagues to decipher what development needs remain that are not currently being met by current service offerings Academy Response : Diagnostic from Hay Group to provide GPs with individual and composite development needs assessment Co-produce a leadership/development programme specifically for GPs
Karen Lynas Professor Rachel Munton Telephone: The Academy works through: The use of expert providers, using creative approaches to generate solutions Working collaboratively to design the required development offers Fully administered, locally delivered, relevant products Contact details: