Onward Brief Making the most from RM Integris Recent additions to the software Ensuring MIS data is accessed by all those who need it Did I know it did that?
New session timeout and log-in capabilities Ability to re-login without closing the browser If ‘Remember Me’ box ticked then username will be automatically populated Password still required for re-logging in
Pupil Premium Download Import Ability to import Pupil Premium.csv file provided to school by DfE Store 3 types of pupil premium data LAC Deprivation Service Child Can be managed manually Available in Student Find, Assessment Markbooks, Ad-Hoc Reports
Teacher payroll/absence report More detailed staff absence report Rolls up and calculates ‘days lost’ Can be exported as a.csv in order to be merged into a template report required by LA
Onward Brief RM Integris - now and the future What’s on the roadmap for v ? Live Reporting Tell us what you’d like us to focus on
What does the rest of 2014 look like? V statutory including Key Stage 2013/14 Small upgrades such as improving sibling linking Potential for more Assessment work e.g. Student Marksheet Staff appears high on agenda e.g. Speed Edit Towards the end of year New User Interface refresh
New powerful Ad-hoc reporting tool Key Requirement for most schools Previous project hit performance / security issues Project restarted in the autumn Ability to report across all areas of Integris A range of formats Very Powerful Reports, Charts, Cross Tab and Exports
Student Teaching Sets Assessment Behaviour Sessional Attendance Lesson Attendance Exams Behaviour Groups Medical UDI SEN Staff Staff Absence Staff Activities Staff Groups Data to be expanded based on user requirements Version 1 - Data
Live Reporting FOC Upgrade Currently aiming for September Release Demonstrating Alpha Version Beta Programme
Tell us what you’d like us to focus on Over to you
RM Intelligence The graphical reporting tool for Integris What’s new How does it work?