Welcome workshop 7
SMEs don’t have time to be involved in curriculum development; true or false?
True or False? Your feet are bigger in the afternoon than the rest of the day.
True or False? If colouring weren't added to Coca-Cola, it would be Green.
True or False? The first Harley Davidson motorcycle built in 1903 used a tomato can for a carburettor
Innovation and Growth How we engaged the SMEs How employers have contributed to the final provision developed Explain how they are continuing their involvement into the delivery stages of the project Other lessons learnt during development
Innovation Courses are about many aspects of innovation; growing, sourcing, manufacture, packaging, logistics, marketing, selling, promotion, management, and new product development.
.....and Growth Courses which support growth are about improving your business efficiency Improving people performance maximising your leadership skills winning and keeping customers exploring new markets
How we engaged the SMEs Surveys & questionnaires Steering group meetings Module development events Testing & piloting Feedback at every stage
How employers have contributed to the final provision developed Time Ideas Language around benefits People
Course Development SMEs priorities were all different identifying specific needs was hard solutions driven approach is required language needs to be right hard to pinpoint £s in ROI
Continuing SME involvement Once engaged keep the conversation open Regular opportunities for feedback Free gifts Important industry information Speak their language
Courses now available Leadership and Motivation Food Science and Technology Marketing Concepts for the Food Industry New Product Development Supply Chain Management Internal quality auditing
Courses now available Financial Strategies Budgetary Control in the Food Industry Food Ingredients, Formulation and Processing Lean Processing in the Food Industry Bakery Technology – Gluten free products Bakery Technology – High Fibre Breads Enterprise, Creativity and Innovation
Funding support Working closely with Improve, Skills Council for Food and Drink
Lessons learned Understand SME needs before you call! Databases are never up to date Its who you know that counts Trust is built through honesty and delivery Be clear about what you want in return Keep the conversation going
SMEs don’t have time to be involved in curriculum development; FALSE
Thanks for listening and taking part
Enjoy your conference and all the answers were true Clare Keegan National Skills Academy Food and Drink