Body of Water How healthy is your water knowledge?
Water and the body Our body needs water: To survive For chemical reactions in our bodies to take place To help the blood in our body carry nutrients
Fast facts – did you know? Without water, you would only expect to live for around one week
Fast facts – did you know? The human body loses up to 2 litres of water every day
Fast facts – did you know? Drinking water … digests food flushes out waste regulates temperature keeps skin smooth protects teeth and gums improves concentration
What happens to your body without enough water? Sick Dizzy Hot Without water, you would only expect to live for around one week. How much water should you drink each day? 6-8 glasses Muscle cramps Headache
Body of Water Quiz 1. What percentage of your brain is water? 2. The body loses water through sweating, breathing and …..? 3. Water is good for the teeth because it contains no s_ _ _ _ ?
Body of Water Quiz 4. How many glasses of water should we drink each day? 5. If someone does not drink enough water they can become d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? 6. How much water do we get from the food we eat each day?
Work it Out Active bodies need more water
Active Advice To keep fit and healthy, young people aged are advised to do 60 minutes of activity every day. To keep your body fit to do this exercise it is important to keep hydrated.
Active advice – did you know? Exercise increases body temperature so you lose more water. For one hour of exercise drink one litre of water. Drink water before doing exercise in a hot environment.
Make it Clear The water treatment process
Fit to drink! Our drinking water is taken from rivers and aquifers – underground water sources How does the water get from this To this?
Making water Fit to drink! has 100 water treatment works. provides drinking water to 9 million people. produces approximately 2.6 billion litres of drinking water every day. Thames Water
What can water contain? Invisible particles Visible particles Bacteria Tiny amoeba
Why treat the water? The water treatment process makes the water safe to drink by: screening > filtration > disinfection
Lack of water 1 in 8 people live without access to safe water, that’s 884m people globally. 2.6bn people do not have access to a toilet. Women and children sometimes walk up to 10 miles to collect clean water. Not everyone has access to clean water that’s fit to drink
WaterAid Thames Water has helped thousands of the world’s poorest people gain access to safe water and sanitation by supporting WaterAid. WaterAid is a charity whose vision is of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation.
Water is precious Water is essential to life. Water comes from different sources and is cleaned and treated before it reaches our taps. Water is precious. We should try our best to be water wise and not waste water!