Survey Methods Janet C Read
I am waiting here to see which the winning one will be. A.A. Milne – Waiting at the Window
Objectives Create a survey for child users Describe how surveys need to be adapted for children Discuss the validity of results from a survey
The Fun Toolkit
The Funometer What I learnt! Being kind Not good at discriminating
Smileyometer Can be used before and after Expect the same results! 99% Brilliant On its’ own – of limited value
FunSorter Forces the children to rank Evidence of playing fair Better for older children Constructs need care
Again - Again Less playfair evidence, easy to fill in – similar results to the FunSorter
Remembrance The Pollyanna Principle We remember what we have most enjoyed Useful when many aspects are being ranked
Methods Interview Questionnaire
Interviewing Breakwell (2000); 1. Likely to agree 2. Like to say don’t know 3. Different priorities butt in ask questions
Questionnaires 1. Likely to agree 2. Like to say don’t know 3. Rely on reading and writing
Activity - Which is better?