The University of Winchester Welcome to The University of Winchester PGCE SE2 and BA 3(3) Finalist Teacher Tutor Training March 2011
Our Vision of the Winchester ITE Student A professional risk taker and a creative thinker Someone who questions received wisdom; politically astute and critically engaged with current policy Motivated, interested, enthusiastic and curious A reflective practitioner who is willing to change his/her mind A confident practitioner who is able to integrate subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding, and who understands the significance and importance of doing this A natural team member both in school and on the programme. This is our vision of the student teacher at Winchester. Have a look at these statements and have a think about whether they night describe you or your potential. In addition ask yourself do you: Like young people! Love to Like young people! Love to learn Patient Sense of humour Creative Organised Good communication skills, such as clear explanations and clear instructions learn
In your TT pack Guidance for the Professional Standards for QTS SE specific handbook Checklist Observation sheets Cause for concern leaflet SE Record of Assessment Session Evaluation Claim form
Previous experience Students on PGCE Have been involved in a a pre-programme experience of two weeks working with individuals or small groups a 6 week block placement in school during the Autumn term. Most students were paired
Previous experience 3 year route (accelerated route) Students have been selected for this route according to request and academic achievement. They followed the same first year as studnets on a four year route but have adjusted 2nd and 3rd years. They: Have been involved in a school placement for 5 serial visits and 2 weeks in year 1 teaching individuals or small groups 2 serial visits and 6 weeks in year 2, teaching 60% whole class lessons by end of practice. Experienced other school related activities in relation to taught modules e.g. LPL, Special Subject Arranged self directed placements to support their professional development
All students Have attended a range of curriculum and professional modules completed a number of assignments linking theory with practice collected evidence against the full range of Standards written a pre – SE action plan with targets to support progress
Expectations PGCE:pp5-7 BA: pp 7-10 Starting from the school context and individual action plans: That students progressively take on the responsibility for planning and teaching a programme covering the full primary curriculum for the whole class, normally teaching 70% of the timetable by the end of week 3 70% whole class teaching 10% non-contact time 20% to be used flexibly e.g. collaborative PPA time, observation, teaching groups in other year groups/subjects
Preliminary visits All students should contact the school in writing to introduce themselves in advance of their visits. begin to establish relationships gather information arrange times for discussion with the teacher tutor identify pupils for profiling and start gathering data agree annotated planning with the teacher tutor prior to link tutor file check and start of the block establish themselves from the start as a teacher through behaving in a professional manner.
Files Background information Planning and Preparation DO NOT need to photocopy all policies: Safeguarding and Child Protection, Health and Safety, Behaviour; Action Plan Planning and Preparation School information: Medium term plans/ unit plans. Pupil performance data Lesson and weekly plans and evaluations Weekly timetable type plus plan all taught lessons Weekly evaluation and detailed evaluations for one lesson per day. Annotations on other lesson plans - a critical response to teaching and to the children’s learning. Monitoring assessment Recording and Reporting Whole class, group, 6 pupil profiles As appropriate to school policy
During the placement Transition, sustain, consolidate, extend PGCE page 8, 14-16 BA pp 11-22 Whole school context: other teachers, subjects
Non-contact time activities include: observation in another colleague’s class developing knowledge about and expertise with the ICT provision and practice in the school collecting, developing and organising resources for teaching and learning, including the preparation of classroom display gaining experience of teaching subjects in which they are in need of greater experience, e.g. foundation subjects or science following up personal targets e.g. profile pupils, ERP
Standards Students are expected to collect evidence against all Standards. Developing understanding of types of evidence. There may not always be evidence through practice; a Standard may have little evidence due to types of experiences but sufficient to demonstrate it is met. Increased rigour in tracking evidence, with cross referencing to source Sufficient evidence for each Standard by the end of the SE. Success may not be evident at the start. ALL Standards graded at 3 or above, by the end of the SE.
Making a Judgement What sort of evidence do you use to: make a judgement? identify targets?
Making a Judgement Using the Grading Criteria and setting targets Observing a lesson
Dreyfus Model: Five Stages of Skill Acquisition Novice Advanced Beginner Competence Proficiency Expertise
Target setting An individual will be at the same time expert with respect to certain types of problems in an area of skill but less skilled in respect to others
Cause for Concern Progress of Student Targets which have been set are repeatedly not being met Lack of progress towards meeting the required QTS Standards A lack of professionalism and commitment on the part of the student Levels of preparation and planning are resulting in pupils under-achievement Other concerns The nature of the placement has changed The student is unable to meet the learning outcomes for the placement because of personal or medical reasons The trainee expresses concern about the level of support
Link Tutor observes an unsatisfactory lesson Student progress has been causing concern and paperwork reflects a Grade 3/ 4. Link Tutor observes an unsatisfactory lesson Progress so far is good. Clear targets set for improvement in discussion with student. Discussion with Teacher Tutor/Link Tutor and decision is made to issue Cause for Concern against specific standards. Partnership Office is informed of decision and a Cause for Concern letter is issued and faxed to the school. Copy to PDT, RM/PL & ITE Administrator for file. Link Tutor or Teacher Tutor discuss outcome with student. Student may/may not be advised to go home early that day.
Student meets with Partnership Manager. Student talks through issues with PM and creates initial Action Plan. Student returns to school with expectation of rapid progress. Student makes progress & continues practice to conclusion. Teacher Tutor raises concerns and in discussion with Link Tutor a moderation visit is agreed. Moderation visit Clear progress made & student continues practice to conclusion. Decision is made to finish the practice. Student may remain in a negotiated role or leave the school. Student meets with PM.
Q: Do I have to wait until a Link Tutor visit before raising any concerns? A: No. It’s important that you talk through any questions or queries that you have as soon as they arise. The student’s paperwork should reflect your concerns. Q: Is it possible to ask for an earlier Link Tutor visit? A: Yes. If the above solution does not support the student’s progress, then you may wish to ask the Link Tutor to bring forward their next visit.
Q: What is a moderation visit? A: Following on from the Cause for Concern letter, if progress has not been made against the agreed targets then a moderation visit will be organised. This is a visit from a named tutor who will look at the student’s paperwork, observe a 30-minute lesson, speak to the Teacher Tutor and speak to the student. The moderator will then report their findings to the student and will make a recommendation to the Exam Board that the student: a) has the potential to meet the standards for QTS by the end of the placement, b) has the potential to meet the standards for QTS by the end of an extended placement. An extended placement can only take place within appropriate parts of the school’s and university’s calendars, and only if the placement school agrees to support the extension. c) is presenting a failing profile at this point and would be unable to meet the standards required for this placement.
Q: What if the judgement is that the student is failing? A: If the school is in agreement, the student may continue in the placement in a renegotiated role in order to support professional development and to work towards action points identified as part of the failing profile. Alternatively, the student withdraws from the placement and makes an appointment with PM or PL to discuss next steps. In either case students are required to draw up a detailed action plan following a failed placement and to demonstrate progress against it prior to attempting a resit.
Summative Assessment Grading Criteria The final report Contribution to student’s reference
Record of Student assessment Provide grade for each Standard (unless ‘greyed out’): 1-3. If a 4, the student has failed Complete overall grade for each section (this needs to be 3 or above to pass the full SE) In Comments section identify strengths and targets. Targets may be carried forward to CEDP.
Final Section will contribute to the students reference Positive attributes, including those not directly linked to the Standards 3-6 developmental points to inform CEDP Sign Provide student with a copy for PDP Send with student or directly to PO Complete a SE evaluation
Evaluation These are invaluable for our QA procedures, external inspection procedures and, most importantly in development of the programme
Thank you for coming today