CAPTAIN ZANZIBAR’S TREASURE I was aimlessly rowing following the treasure map. When I spotted a Beautiful multicoloured bird floating towards the sunset. Suddenly I Uncovered an unusual tree in the middle of the sea. When I got Closer I discovered an island Closer I discovered an island “WOW” I remembered my father saying to me on his death bed that it was my destiny to retrieve the treasure that was stolen from my family many years ago… Cautiously I stepped onto the luxurious golden sand alert for danger The island was alive with a chorus of screeching and howling. I walked slowly towards the thick green jungle the scorching sun burning the back of my neck. I walked slowly towards the thick green jungle the scorching sun burning the back of my neck. Go to cave Go to bridge
Page 2 As I trembled into the black and gloomy cave I crept forward not knowing what was ahead. I could smell dampness in the air which took me to my knees I got up but froze with fear, what was that Strange eerie sound? Whoosh! Suddenly a swarm of giant bats flew over my head, shouting out I slammed my body to the side of the cave. when the bats had gone I stepped cautiously on. I could just make out two tunnels which way should I go? right Left
Page 4 Snake pit Ahhhhhhh! I was falling too fast I couldn’t stop myself, help I screamed, thud I had landed but where, hissssssss, hisssssss, I nervously looked around, darkness engulfed me. Thousands of pairs of evil yellow eyes glared at me. Ahhhhhhhhhh…
Page 5 The tunnel was hot and humid I was extremely tired sweat was pouring down my face I didn’t know If I could go on. With the last of my energy I ran towards the light I hoped I would see the treasure soon. I ran out into the hot sun and there in front of me was a bridge I couldn’t believe it. How much more could I take? Next page
Page three There I was on the first plank my heart was racing out I jumped back to cool down my palms where the were soaked with sweat I threw a rock to two planks. I fell. I ran. I jumped.Arrows came flying towards me they knew I had the map. Quickly I ran planks plummeted behind me. Twenty planks from the end I saw a hedge I sprinted so fast I couldn’t feel my legs. I hid in the bush know one knew I was there but they knew I didn't fall.In the bush I saw two paths one stony path and one sandy path. Sandy path Stony path
Page 7 Treasure Creeping out of the hedge I stepped onto the warm sandy path, I must find the treasure soon, I was looking at the map when I felt warm heavy sand seeping up to my chest, quicksand! This cant be happening. I felt this was the end but instead I fell straight through into a warm welcoming river, dolphins were playing beside me. This is it the river I had been searching for it was on my dads map, if I followed this I would find the treasure. I hauled myself from the water and then I heard a man shouting at me from a boat as he came closer I remembered his face from my dads photo, Raymond! I retold him the story of my travels and showed him dads map, he was destroyed at hearing about dads passing. Raymond explained to me that he knew where the lava river was and we made our way there, the lava river was a beautiful sight it had glow worms everywhere. We carefully trod on the stones which led over the river, the mouth of the cave was light and bright, Raymond leant on a stick, as he did a door opened and inside was the treasure!, Gold, silver and jewels, I HAD FOUND IT, I WAS RICH!!!!!!! Click to see credits
Page 6 Man these rocks are loud I thought, creeping along I saw a TREASURE BOX yes I’ve found it I suggested then I opened it … As I looked around I could see loads of knives and hand guns pointing straight at me, captain Sanford !!!! (my dad’s arch enemy she is the cruellest pirate that ever sailed the seven seas.) Jumping up,I ran as fast as I could,out of the creepy broken hut BANG! Aaaahhhhhhh clutching my chest,blood pouring down my back. I had been shot!
Directed by Ty, Tom and Charlie And special thanks to Mrs Chandler For helping with this story Thanks for watching