Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Occupational Disease - Catalysing Change SBTAF presentation – 19 th May 2014
Context 1.1 million working people suffering a work related illness (estimated) 12, 000 deaths & 450, 000 new cases each year (estimated) Cost to society – estimated to be around ‘double figure’ billions Wide spread of diseases and industries HSE priorities: cancer and respiratory disease
What’s happening Lots of activity already underway across range of disease areas Evidence based approaches Promoting and encouraging action - no matter how small
What’s next?
Priority disease areas Occupational cancer Asbestos RCS (silica) Shift work Welding Painters Diesel Engine exhaust emissions (DEEEs) Solar radiation PAHs Tetrachloroethylene Radon Respiratory disease Construction workers Foundry workers Welders Quarry and stone workers Agricultural workers Vehicle paint sprayers Bakery workers