Working together to increase the rate of pupil progress in reading, writing and maths across years 5 to 8 through exploration of our pedagogy and practice A Cross-Phase Collaborative Research Project between Huish Primary, Oaklands, Primary, Preston Primary, Westfield Academy and Preston School in Yeovil, Somerset
Getting Started Our motivation To explore the differences in pedagogy in KS2 and Ks3 To deepen our understanding and management of transition as process not event To maintain learning momentum from KS2 into KS3 Improving rates of progress for pupils from KS2 into KS4 To create a mechanism for building cross-phase learning relationships between schools and teachers
First Steps Engaging the partners Using the Wessex Teaching School Alliance to pilot the work: Huish Primary, Oaklands Primary, Preston Primary, Westfield Academy and Preston School, linking into the Yeovil Federation (CLP) Harnessing existing vehicles The Yeovil Federation – Joint Practice Development Groups and Transition Learner Questionnaire in June (year 6) and November (year 7) 2013 Identifying support University of Worcester – Tom Whittingham – a coaching model to help us frame our research question and benefit from the learning of schools exploring similar projects in other areas Learning from others Research visits to Bradley Stoke Community School, Bradley Stoke, South Gloucester North Bromsgrove High School University of Worcester
Framing our research Through our planning meetings and research visits we identified the key questions: What do we do currently ? Why do we do it that way? How is it different at different key stages? What do we mean and understand when we say level x and is this the same in each key stage? What can we learn from answering these questions? How will our learning translate into action? How and with whom will we share what we learn? What do we hope will happen as a result of sharing our learning?
Agreed Principals & Actions Over-arching: Take a compare and contrast approach rather than a better/worse one – this is an exploration aiming to develop and build rather than distance and engender defensiveness Initial focus on writing - manageable and concrete – a key area Cohort agreed (2 top, 2 middle 2 low ability in each primary/secondary)=18 Audit the provision/delivery models currently used across the key stages – how much, when, by whom? Establishing the starting point: Progress data for the identified cohort in year 7 to be analysed and compared with data for the same cohort from year 5 – 6 Book scrutiny to be conducted and used as starting point in years 6/7 for a similar cohort (2 top, 2 middle 2 low ability in each primary/secondary) Open the doors of Literacy/English/Numeracy/Maths classrooms at KS2 and KS3 as part of a reciprocal arrangement for focussed observation to answer some questions
Questions about our classroom practice What impact does the learning environment created in different stages have on learning, engagement and attainment? What are the main differences in and the impact of the language of learning used with different year groups to scaffold learning? How can we develop a protocol for classroom visits/observations that will facilitate learning and feedback which translates into changed classroom practice? What can we do differently to produce better outcomes for all?
Refining and Realising Meeting th November Attending: KS2 Heads, Secondary project lead, KS3 Head of English, KS3 Second i/c English, Teacher - English Across the Curriculum, Yeovil Federation PREPARATION: Year 7 English books for identified cohort to be collected ready for scrutiny Any historic work form the identified cohort available from primary schools to be gathered Books for a similar cohort from year 5 and 6 to be collated for scrutiny Progress data for identified cohort to be collated KS1 -2 progress KS2 scores CAT results Targets for end of KS3 and 4 AGENDA: Exploration of all collated progress data – What are the progress issues? Book scrutiny – compare and contrast – Inform planned observations Ensure Protocol and pro forma for lesson observation is set up and OK for all users ACTION AGREED: Lesson observations including conversations with teachers and learners for Literacy leads, year 6 teachers and KS3 English teachers to be scheduled. Teachers to share and explore planning and SoL during meetings Observations to be conducted using the agreed protocol and feedback form (to include a section on ‘What did I learn from this?’) and completed before the next meeting to explore outcomes
Refining and Realising Meeting th December Attending: KS2 Heads, Secondary project lead, KS3 Head of English, Second i/c English, Teacher - English Across the Curriculum, Yeovil Federation Preparation: Observations to focus on the pace, pitch, language of learning and identify what we see, hear, read and feel Meeting to explore planning, SoLs, assessment etc. 3 all days observation periods for teachers from Preston and Westfield (total 6 days) 3 all day observations by Huish, Preston and Oaklands Literacy leads (total 3 days) AGENDA: Exploration of outcomes from lesson observations Agreeing the next steps ACTION AGREED: Meeting of Year 6 and secondary English team in the week beginning 20/1/14 to facilitate planning of the new SOL for ‘shared’ delivery in years 6/7 Secondary English staff to prepare an input for KS2 teachers which will help develop responses to texts (using KS3 SAT type questions to scaffold?) Appropriate time slots to be identified for KS2 information sessions using the prepared materials once they are ready Visits to KS2 settings to be arranged for remaining secondary English teachers
Refining and Realising Meeting 3 – 20 th January Attending: KS2 Literacy leads and year 6 teachers, Secondary project lead, KS3 Head of English, Second i/c English, Teacher - English Across the Curriculum, Yeovil Federation PREPARATION: Exploration of existing SoL and patterns of delivery in Year 6/7 Review of findings from lesson observations Consideration of best routes into addressing the consistency across the KS3 curriculum AGENDA: How can we use what we have learned so far to create the most effective SoL for the first half term of year 7? What is the key learning from KS2 success? How can year 6 teachers lead pupils into the SoL? What input do teachers in KS2 and KS3 need to make the delivery effective?
What next….? Shared development of the first year 7 SoL With a focus on Continuity Consistency Clarity Across our Content Style Assessment language
What next….? Transition SoL may include Pre-reading of texts/related text in year 6 (Myths & Legends?) More attendance to and development of prior learning - Pupils to produce ‘Tool Kits’ for genre writing in the first half term ( these to be shared with other subject areas at KS3 – Geography/History to build consistent, effective literacy practice?) Adoption of KS2 process model and language Imitate Innovate Invent
What next….? The Bigger Picture How can KS2 teachers continue develop pupils’ reading skills to support the demands of KS3 What can we learn across the phases by unpacking the structure of SoL What other key learning language should we import/export across the phases? Can we create space for cross phase team teaching to embed our understanding and deepen our learning of the difference phase experience?