MR CLARKE PAGE:1 DATE DUE:16 th Sept Problem Identification Design Brief Specification Page should also include colour and small sketches to make the page interesting.
MR CLARKE PAGE:2 DATE DUE:16 th Sept Research Page should include images that have inspired you either through shape colour or design. Annotation should clearly explain why you have included these images. Page should be extremely busy!
MR CLARKE Page:3 DATE DUE:16 th Sept Concept page 1: A fully explained idea proposed showing a range of different views. Where has this idea come from ? Show image or photograph. Annotation to explain all sketches. Selective use of colour. Busy, eye catching page. Conclude with your thoughts on this design.
MR CLARKE Page:4 DATE DUE:23 rd Sept Concept page 2 Solid works design proposal (Range of views) Annotated and fully explained. Use similar colour to make this page as interesting as possible. Conclude with your thoughts on this design. Where has this idea come from ? Show image or photograph.
MR CLARKE Page: 5 DATE DUE:23 rd Sept Concept page 3 A fully explained idea proposed showing a range of different views. Where has this idea come from ? Show image or photograph. Annotation to explain all sketches. Selective use of colour. Busy, eye catching page. Conclude with your thoughts on this design.
MR CLARKE Page 6 DATE DUE:23 rd Sept Reason for Selection Why have you selected a particular idea? Possibilities: Table format, write specification points and score each. A good drawing illustrating selected idea. Annotation, colour and flair. BEGIN PRACTICAL!
MR CLARKE Page 7-8 DATE DUE:30 th Sept Development of selected idea. All key information: Sizes, dimensions, processes and as many drawing skills as possible. (2d, 3d, isometric, sectional, and orthographic) Annotation should again explain all key facts and information. CONTINUE PRACTICAL
MR CLARKE Page 9 DATE DUE:30 th Sept Working Drawing Table making reference to parts, materials and reason for choice. Include a small rendered 3d drawing of the idea.
MR CLARKE Page 10 COMPLETED FOLDER DUE: 7th Oct Photographs Evaluation against specification Modifications( Minimum of 2) PRODUCT COMPLETED FRIDAY 7 th OCT