THE T&L DIRECTORATE The “Story” So Far Prof Brian Chalkley
SOME KEY DATES January 2009T&LD Launch Spring 2009T&L Strategy Summer Endsleigh Place September 2009Careers & Learning Development January 2010T&LD meets CEG February 2010QAA outcome April 2010First Strategy Day
Are we up to speed?
SOME KEY AIMS Promote excellence in T&L Build staff capacity Lead on T&L Strategy Lead on parts of the Corporate Plan Support Schools and Faculties Encourage pedagogic research Horizon scan Showcase Plymouth’s achievements
SOME KEY ACTIVITIES Conferences and workshops Sharing innovations and good practice LTHE/PGCAP Publications External grants Liaise with colleagues, UPSU, etc NTFs and UoP Fellowships
SOME CURRENT KEY PROJECTS PebblePadPedRio CETL RepositoryPlymouth Award Plymouth Student Volunteering CPD Employability Centre2 Year Degrees
SOME KEY CHALLENGES The T&L Strategy Our NSS and DLHE performance Funding issues Responding to “Higher Ambitions” Plymouth’s national/international profile
SOME KEY TASKS FOR YOU Identify areas where the T&LD has already made positive achievements. What are we doing well? Identify areas where we have yet to make our mark Identify areas which need to be high T&LD priorities for the next 1-2 years