Data Management “If you don’t know where you are going, how can you expect to get there?”- Basil. S. Walsh
What are we going to consider? The context for effective middle leadership data analysis Self review and Trends Becoming or maintaining good /excellent Case studies to take back to school Possible development activities Start with the learner in mind
Student voice “it’s good when we have--- Stimulating learning experiences, Access to course material electronically Regular feed back and teaching that takes account of who we are and our progress against targets The opportunity to improve prior to final assessments Consistency Personalised support.”
Self review and the place of data management with department leaders external judgement Internal processes Progress KS2 TO 4 TARGET SETTING y12 and 13 Using the data with department leaders Using the data with students/pare nts/carers
OFSTED REPORT 25 “Targets were based on overall GCSE prior attainment with an element of challenge added which helped students’ motivation, but were not so challenging as to be de-motivating.” “Targets produced centrally by the institution were adjusted by individual subject teachers according to students’ prior attainment and aptitude in specific subjects.” “Targets were reviewed and adjusted regularly in discussion with individual students in the light of their progress, which helped motivate them as they were involved in re-setting targets.”
What do you need to consider to ensure good quality outcomes? School systems - is yours set up so that your associate staff are providing what you need? Timing of recording, reporting; frequency of this process External partners – are your systems and timing common? Manage data analysis effectively with department leaders to raise expectations and student achievement levels Use data to inform students what they are doing well and where they need to improve
Trends and comparisons White paper – consistency needed between schools and college procedures Some schools only analyse pass rate of students entered Colleges compare the number who start the course with the number who finish – schools will be required to do this Analyse ethnicity, SEN, deprivation, against targets set and numbers of those who start and finish the course
Sources of information Exam boards Other providers who are partners Learner Achievement Tracker (LAT) Note: “The DfE has agreed to put funding into the YPLA to run the LAT reports using 2010/11 data. The reports will be run in the autumn of 2011 and again in early Thereafter DfE has indicated that, as YPLA winds up, the production of the Learning Achievement Tracker (LAT) reports will move to the DfE Directorate. Further information will follow from the YPLA later in the month”
Using data with subject leaders Supportive and developmental ethos Values - mission statement Senior leaders and experienced middle leaders can assist those with less experience For excellence to exist at a consistent level systems need to be embedded
Using data with subject leaders Self Review - Accountability Trends over time What the most recent analysis tells you Context Standards within elements of the course content
Drilling down ‘Drilling down’ – individual teachers>lecturers> Groups of students>individual students Prior attainment ( formula for setting targets) Setting challenging yet achievable targets Progress with targets Interventions Regular – timely - impact
Supportive Systems Systems embedded and reviewed and amended in timely fashion – excellence achieved Systems established Systems becoming established Systems not in place
Continuous professional development Provide school based, preferably accredited, CPD on the role of the middle leader incorporating understanding and use of data for all key stages including post 16 Ensure Awareness/impact of subject changes at board level and the implications of these on middle leaders Adequate lead in time Development of new courses Use of results to analyse how the different elements have been taught
Good Practice incorporates--- Effective Systems that support the middle leader Effective self review that requires effective internal analysis with related subsequent improvement plans Good use of AFL to ensure the learner is supported Timely interventions with current cohorts
Work shop activity 1. Scan the case studies- look at the Ofsted recommendations 2. Devise key actions required to have the maximum impact for good or better use of data with middle leaders 3. Record under these headings: Whole school and college systems Actions for Individual senior/middle leaders Actions for teachers/lecturers
“When it is obvious that goals cannot be reached don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action” Confucius